Page 58 - EAP Manual
P. 58

Distress Tolerance IMPROVE continued...
One Thing at a Time (OTAT)—Focus on doing just 1 thing before doing another  OTAT helps me feel less overwhelmed
 Make a To-Do list & start at the top
    Keep a calendar or assignment planner
   Do one homework assignment before another
    When writing a paper, focus on just 1 part of it— the intro, then the body, then the conclusion
      Vacation (VA)—Take a break to relax
 Keep Vacations brief—no longer than a day
 Distress can build when I don’t pay attention to it
 Remember that you have to come back to address the stressor
Rent a movie Go mini-golfing Go to the mall
Read a book outside in the sun
Encouragement (EN)—Become a cheerleader & root yourself on
    Eat at a new restaurant
          Write positive affirmations on Post- It notes
    Say “I can do it!”
   List what I like about myself
  Pat oneself on the back & say “Way to go!”
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