Page 4 - Willunga 2013 School Magazine Interactive
P. 4

Principals Comments

                                    “Be the Change that      we covered students were saying “Hello!”, they were   each other, sharing their experience and teachers
                                    you wish to see in       asking me questions and they were smiling, happy,   have become the artisans of the development and

                                    the world” (Mahatma      engaged and positive young people. You can imagine   delivery of the learning program. The consistency and
                                    Gandhi) is how we        how proud I was of them, the staff, the educational   power of the NBN has encouraged teachers to take
                                    have approached 2013     program. It is my philosophy that in order to be   risks in using technology. There are 9,200 schools
                                    and students, parents    inspiring you need to be inspired. These young people   across Australia and only 33 are connected to the NBN,
                                    and staff have indeed    inspire me every day, they amaze me with their talents,   it would be a real shame if every student across the
                                                                                                                                      ILLUNG A
                                    grasped the concept,     their ideas and their                                                        country was not given
                                                                                                                                                 HIGH SCHO OL
                                    gone with the flow and   enthusiasm. I would not     “Be the Change that you wish to                  the same opportunities
                                    enjoyed the experience.   want to be doing anything   see in the world”                               as our students. We
                                    We have been on a        else! Is that not a joy to                                 Mahatma Gandhi    have been recognised
          journey of transformational self discovery over the   be able to say exactly this!                    as delivering cutting edge learning programs and we
          last 8 years and it appears to me that we have been   Looking back on this year we have had some      have been invited to a number of conferences to deliver
          successful. You always ask yourself, how do you    amazing highlights and these are just a few:       Keynotes and addresses to other educators, as well as
          know? Well it appears evident from feedback from      Year 12 Graduation: this event is always        featuring in news items, articles and publications. It is
          parents and visitors to the school, from our increasing   inspirational with the Valedictorians for the evening   a real credit to our staff and our students. We have also
          numbers, the fact that staff do not wish to leave our   Glenn and Jess delivering a heartfelt speech on the   been participating in National Projects where students
          school and others are applying in very large numbers   impact of education at Willunga High School on   in Advanced Science in Year 10 are getting access to
          to become part of our community. If you look at the   themselves and their peers. There were tears and   learning through world class scientists in the areas of
          political rhetoric, our success should be reflected in   joy, happiness and sorrow but most of a sense of   Astrophysics and Nanotechnology through Monash
          our NAPLAN results or academic results. Certainly we   achievement and no regrets. These occasions are   University and the University of New South Wales.
          have had continued improvement in our SACE results   always positive and affirming for everyone involved   Students have been guiding and driving the Mars Rover
          with increases in our A and B results and 82% of our   and our students leave us with the skills and expertise   replica through the Powerhouse Museum, talking and
          students achieving their senior school certificate.   that they need to be successful in whatever endeavours   discovering new and exciting aspects of how life began!
          However, I was once asked by a parent about how do   they pursue.                                         As our numbers grow, we have continued
          I measure the success of a school, my reply and my    The National Broadband Network: we have been    to develop our beautiful grounds and add more
          personal belief is: Is this child happy? Does this child   able to harness the power of this technology to   classrooms. We have discovered that we are short of
          have friends? Is he or she involved in the school and   transform our teaching and learning experiences.   classrooms and over the next 6 months we will have 2
          community? Do they enjoy coming to school and most   Everyone is a learner and as one teacher said: “It has   new Science Laboratories and 2 classrooms built, the
          of all are they experiencing success and personal   allowed my students to move from C grades into A   tennis courts have been resurfaced and relined
          growth? I took a visitor around the school the other day   grades”, the reason this has happened is that students   (which has been on the top of my list for 8 years)
          and we only walked 20 metres and for each metre that   have been engaged in their learning, learning from   and made fit for purpose, the school has a new
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