Page 7 - Willunga 2013 School Magazine Interactive
P. 7

Chairperson’s Report

          Governing Council, What is it? What do they do?       On behalf of the Governing Council I would like to
          A job I always thought someone else would do! That   thank the Principal and Staff for all their hard work,
          was a number of years ago, the rest is history.    professionalism and patience and the students for
             Governing Council is a place for us as a parent   making Willunga the place to be.
          to have an input, not only on our child’s upbringing,   To our Year 12 students leaving us, we wish you
          but their education. A place where we are able to ask   all the success in your paths to further education and
          questions, obtain answers and use these to make our   employment.                                                           ILLUNG A
          school the best possible learning environment we can   Finally thank you to the members of Governing                                   HIGH SCHO OL
          provide for our children.                          Council for their support and time to make it productive
             This year has been my third on Governing Council   and enjoyable year.
          but first as chair at Willunga High.  There have been a   See you next year!
          number of improvements and additions to our grounds                                   Simon Rothwell
          and buildings, with more planned in the New Year.                     Chairperson Willunga High School
          Student numbers are ever growing, showing it is a place
          parent’s want their children and students want to be.
             I would encourage any parents thinking of joining
          Governing Council, to make the effort to attend the
          AGM in 2014 and make a difference.

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