Page 17 - WVPC 2018 Annual
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Top 10 Drug Exposures

                               Top 10 Drugs: All Ages Combined                                               #

                Analgesics (for pain or fever, includes acetaminophen, ibuprofen, opioids and
                others)                                                                                      1,707

                S mulants and Street Drugs (Prescrip on (e.g., ADHD medica on)
        2       and illicit drugs; includes heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, novel synthe cs)               1,128

        3       An depressants                                                                                  944

        4       Seda ve/Hypno cs/An psycho cs                                                                   934

        5       Cardiovascular Drugs                                                                            928

        6       An histamines                                                                                   882

        7       An convulsants                                                                                  588

        8       Topical Prepara ons                                                                             491

        9       Hormones and Hormone Antagonists (e.g. levothyroxine)                                           438

        10      Dietary Supplements/Herbals/Homeopathic                                                         401

        West Virginia Poison Center Annual Report 2018                                                                                                            Page 17
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