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Naloxone Administration-Management

                                    Site and Outcome

                                                   Naloxone  Naloxone Lay         Naloxone     Naloxone
                 Management Site                                                                              Total
                                                      Fire         Public           Other        Police
     Hospital - Admitted to critical care unit                                 1                         2           3

     Hospital - Admitted to noncritical care unit           2                                            1           3

     Hospital  - Admitted to psychiatric facility                              1                                     1

     Hospital - Patient lost to followup/left AMA
     (from hospital)                                       17                 39            1           10          67
     Hospital  - Treated/evaluated and released from
     emergency room                                         4                               2            3           9
     Managed on site - not a hospital                      17               323                          3        343

     Referred to HCF - Patient lost to followup/left
     AMA                                                    1                  2                                     3

     Referred to HCF - Patient refused referral to HCF      4                                            3           7

     Unknown                                                                   4                                     4

     Grand Total                                           45                370            3           22         440

                                                    Naloxone  Naloxone Lay          Naloxone     Naloxone
                       Outcome                                                                                 Total
                                                       Fire          Public           Other       Police

      Followed to known outcome - Death                                         2                                     2

      Followed to known outcome - Major effect              41                365             2          19         427

      Followed to known outcome - Moderate effect            1                                1                       2
      Followed to known outcome - Minor effect                                                            1           1

      Unable to follow- Judged as a potentially toxic
      exposure                                               3                  3                         2           8

      Grand Total                                           45                370             3          22         440

        West Virginia Poison Center Annual Report 2019                                                                                                            Page 45
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