Page 4 - Wedding Magazine
P. 4

OuR Story – SiNce we met

     Nidhi:             “As         a      girl

     belonging                   to            a

     traditional  family  is  a

     blessing  by  virtue,  but

     so  can        be  a  bit  run-of-

     the-mill on the subject of

     marriage.  I  am  grateful

     enough  that  my  parents

     well            realized              my

     perspective  towards  life


                                                   Like every girl I too have dreams

                                                   &  expectations  about  my  spouse.
                                                   When I met Ripen I started  with a

                                                   blank  page  in  mind  to  paint  his


                                                   His         actions,           thoughts              &

                                                   fundamentals  towards  life  &
                                                   people, makes me fall in love with

                                                   him everyday.
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