Page 4 - MasterCatalogue2018_Neat
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          The portfolio. The range of heartfelt products conceived, designed and produced
          humbly and sincerely to deliver beauty and utility in facilitating lives.


          Browse our vast basket of designer bathroom accessories.
          Explore 6 design inspirations across 11 exquisitely made

          Geometry                                                                                             16
          Vastly modern style collections inspired by shapes and the study thereof, with an almost
          universal appeal.
          HEX                                  ZEAL
          A comprehensive collection of modern   A diverse selection of products in a style with
          bathroom accessories.                bold and modern undertones.

          Country                                                                                              34
          A collection of designs that are inspired by the feeling of home, country style
          accessories are solid and classic. Characterized by timeless beauty and durability.
          A collection of high quality bathroom
          accessories that is inspired by an unmissable
          barrel profile.
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