Page 5 - MasterCatalogue2018_Neat
P. 5

Swarovski                                                                                            44
          Auhna creates products that feature crystals by Swarovski, and enviable beauty and
          faultless quality are the hallmarks of this collection.
          FAME X                               ACE
          Contemporary designs with the        A range of solid, contemporary designs
          additional X factor to exude luxury and   that embody elegance and excellence.
          style. Made with Swarovski crystals.  Made with Swarovski crystals.

          Elementary                                                                                           60
          The generally unsung importance of routine inspires this collection of products to
          suit the needs of most. Zero compromise on quality ensures maximum value.
          APPEAL                               CORE                                  GRACE
          Characterized by durability and value,   A timeless collection of bathroom   A sleek collection of bathroom
          Appeal is a popular collection of    accessories made with Stainless Steel 304.  accessories manufactured with
          accessories made with high quality Brass.                                  Stainless Steel 304.
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