Page 8 - July 2018 Traveler
P. 8

Hey Members!!                                   Fidget Quilts

                                                                       Do you know what they are?  Do
                                                                       you know someone who might find
                                                                       one useful?  Would you like to help
          Put on your walking shoes and Trinity shirts
                                                                       make one or more - and maybe
            and join us in the Fourth of July parade!!                 supply some items needed to
                                                                       make them?  A fidget quilt is a
                                                                       small (25" by 35" or so) made up of
                                                                       five inch squares and decorated
                    We will be collecting items                        with rickrack, buttons (less than 1
                                                                       inch), beads and string, woven rib-
                        for the Blessing Box.
                                                                       bons (think lattice on a pie), velcro,
                                                                       elastic, zippers (even those that
                                                                       don't have pulls) and other things
         Kids, invite a friend and help push one of four               that can be touched and create a
         shopping carts borrowed from Pacemaker.                       sensation to one's fingertips.  They
                                                                       are especially good for people with
         Families, get grandparents and kids involved                  Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's
         and even decorate a cart!!  I will arrange to                 Disease or anything that causes

         get carts early if you want to decorate!! Con-                them to fidget.  The quilts give
                                                                       them something to touch and may
         tact Sharon Beksel to reserve your cart or to                 help them fidget less.  I have plen-

         volunteer to help! We will have a vehicle so if               ty of material thanks to a donation
         anyone gets tired we can switch pushers!!                     by Janet Metzler. What I need are
                                                                       some of the items listed above.  If
         Join us in our ministry for World Hunger and                  you have some leftovers you could
         assisting those in need in our community and                  donate, if you would like to make a

         let's have fun!!                                              quilt or just learn more about them,
                                                                       please contact Mary Nuss.  Per-
                                                                       haps we can find a time for people
                                                                       to meet to put them together.

                                                                                Euchre Players

                                                                         We will not be meeting in

                                                                    July and August. We will resume

                                                                    playing  Euchre in
                                                                    September on the

                                                                    second and fourth
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