Page 6 - July 2020 Traveler
P. 6
July Birthdays July Baptismal Birthdays
3-Allyson Tullis 17-Olivia Kinney
16-Olivia Kinney 24-Noah Chatfield
25-Gatlin Wallace
28-Kade Chatfield
A good way to end the day
4 of July fun!
Start a new habit. Windsock
Every night before bed, ask your Needed: blue construction paper,
child, “What are 3 things you are white paint, red and white paper
thankful for?” If your child is reluc- streamers, yarn, an apple, stapler,
tant or has trouble thinking of some- glue or glue stick and a hole punch.
thing start by sharing your 3 things
first. You could share good things Roll blue construction paper into a
that happened, things you learned tube. Punch 3 holes around the top
from the Bible or people who helped and tie yarn to make a hanger. Cut
you or spiritual blessings. strips from red and white paper
streamers the same
length and staple to the
1. bottom of the tube. Cut
the apple in half and dip
the halves into the
2. white paint. Press onto
the windsock to deco-
rate. The apple halves
3. stamped look like stars!