Page 11 - June 2019 Traveler
P. 11
Mortgage Update
I have heard conversations and questions as to why our mortgage had been
refinanced in the past. We want to ensure accurate information is given when
questions arise. Following is a brief summary.
When the original loan for our addition was taken out in 2005, the loan was a 30 year
loan with an adjustable loan rate every five years and maturity date of 2035. Interest
rate was 6% and then lowered to 5.5%.
The congregation approved refinancing the mortgage loan in 2013 from Durand State
Bank to the ELCA Mission Investment Fund (MIF) because of a lower interest rate that
Durand State Bank could not match. The new loan rate was 4.625% and then
dropped to 3.875%. Because of MIF’s policies, two years were added to the original
loan term so our loan matures in 2037 instead of 2035. However, much money in in-
terest has been saved and our monthly payment dropped over $1,000. Our adjusta-
ble rate will come due in August 2020. When extra offerings come in designated
towards the mortgage, those extra payments are applied to principal.
I’m sure the newly formed finance/budget team
will keep the congregation informed as far as
our finances. If you have comments or con-
cerns, please see a member of the council and/
or finance/budget team as we keep lines of com-
munication open with accurate information.
Sharon Beksel, SAM
Senior Disciple Service
The second Senior Disciple service will be held Sunday, July 14, followed by a social
hour. Members who will be 80 years old or older in 2019 will be honored.
Look for more information about this service in the future.