Page 5 - February 2019 Traveler
P. 5
ple meetings with me. This was, of course, in addition to Sharon’s completion of Diakonia
course work. Sharon will also be asked to receive additional training and course work through
Wartburg Theological Seminary. The Synod Candidacy Committee will review her application
and background and then will make a recommendation on course work that she will need to
complete. In other words, our Bishop does not take his responsibilities lightly and does every-
thing in his power to make sure that Trinity, as well as all the congregations in our synod, are
taken care of with well-trained staff during pastoral vacancies.
As Bishop mentioned, this time of transition will also grant Trinity a rare opportunity for
growth. The proposal he generated on your behalf reduces the financial burden for pastoral
services significantly, allowing then the Council to invest in other ministries within the congre-
gation, which in turn will create a growth environment. That is not to say that significant work
by individuals in the congregation will not be needed. On the contrary, this transition time will
necessitate that the congregation as a whole, as well as each person individually, must sharp-
en its focus on its evangelism and stewardship with renewed vigor and energy. It will be in-
cumbent upon the congregation to engage and invite our neighbors, friends and associates to
join our ministry. In addition, it will be essential for everyone to dig deep and increase their
giving so that when the time comes for the Council to appoint a Call Committee, that group
then can complete the call process paperwork in such a way as to provide for a full-time pas-
tor. Providing for a full-time pastor will place us in a better position to receive pastoral candi-
dates in the call process. That will be a very exciting time for Trinity! I will be cheering for you
and holding you in prayer every step of the way!!
So, I hope that what you hear in the paragraphs above, is that while I am sad to be leaving you
as your pastor, I am also at the same time, so very happy for you and excited by this very for-
ward-thinking proposal our Bishop has devised to care for you. And, I hope you know that if
the Council consents to the agreement outlined by the Bishop, that I will work hard and do
what I can to assist Sharon and the Council during this time of transition. I think you have an
amazing opportunity and future ahead of you!! I am so happy for you all and excited by what
God might have in store for your future as you proclaim God’s love!
With great joy and a grateful heart,
Pastor Pat