Page 10 - February 2019 Traveler
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Trinity Caring Hearts offering a new ministry in Febru-
ary – Partners in Prayer. Every family
and friend of Trinity will be lifted in
prayer. On Sundays February 3 and
February 10 , members willing to com-
mit to pray for a family of Trinity
will have the opportunity to draw
names. Remaining names will be divid-
ed among those who signed up for the Lifescape Services will be offering a
Partners in Prayer ministry on their free six week workshop on “Managing
Your Chronic Diseases” on Tuesdays
Time and Talent. beginning March 12th and running
through April 16th. The workshops
Prayers may be of a general nature will meet from 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. in
our lower level fellowship hall. The
such as good health, God’s blessings program consists of interactive work-
and protection, God’s guidance at work shops during which you will learn skills
and school and restful sleep anony- to help you regain control and manage
your chronic illnesses. Anyone 60+
mously or you may choose to contact years of age that lives with a chronic
your family to let them know you are health condition or knows someone
holding them in prayer. Names will be who does is welcome.
changed every few months. If you’d
like to join the Partners in Prayer, Topics include working with your doc-
tor, relaxation techniques, dealing with
please contact a member of the Caring negative emotions, managing symp-
Hearts – Paula Rau, Barb Lindvall, toms, improving communication, tips
Beverly Miller, Nancy Norland or for eating well, personalizing a fitness
and exercise program and effective
Maureen Witte. problem solving.
To sign up for the class, please call
Danica, Health and Wellness Coordi-
nator at 815-490-1107.