Page 13 - February 2019 Traveler
P. 13

Putting our Hearts into Valentine's Day!!

         TAG  will be meeting again on Feb. 9th at 9:00am. We will be decorating some cook-
         ies and making homemade Valentines for some special people !! Come join in on the
         fun or just come to visit and watch! Thank you to those ladies that offered to bring the
         supplies! As always, admission is only a boxed item for our Blessing Boxes!


          If  you didn’t fill out a Time and Talent for 2019,           Patches & Peace

           let the office know if you want to help with….

                                                                        ...quilting will now meet at 9:00 am
           Usher, Reader, and/or Communion Assistant                    instead of 8:30 am.

                                                                        Several members asked for a bit
                                                                        later start time.  Men are also

                      Sunday Morning                                    welcome to join the group.  All you

                                                                        have to know is how to use scissors

                                                                        and tie a knot.  We have several pro-
                                                                        jects that can be done sitting down.

                                                                        Anyone is welcome to join us just
                                                                        for the social time.


           There is a sheet on bulletin board for 2019.
             Consider signing up to bring treats for a
          Sunday.  The table will be set up for you, cof-
          fee and lemonade will be made.  All you need
            to do as host/hostess is set out treats and
           beverages during the last hymn along with
                       cleaning up afterwards.

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