Page 11 - February 2019 Traveler
P. 11


         Aleda Lee is an active sophomore at Dakota High School where she participates in the pep, con-
         cert, and marching bands and plays either the base clarinet or tenor saxophone.  Her interest in
         band began in 5  grade.  Her brother Jared taught her how to play golf and Aleda completed
         her second year on the golf team this past fall.  We will find Aleda “working the spotlights” this
         spring during the school play “Annie.”   Her favorite subjects in school are psychology, sociology,
         and advanced math.  A potential career in health care in one of the psychology fields may be on
         her radar as a college major after graduation.

         Aleda shows her many 4-H projects at the Winnebago County Fair each summer. Some of

         her projects include horticulture which includes flower arranging, interior design where she
         has created accessories for her bedroom such as upholstering a chair and crocheting.  Ale-
         da has joined us at Trinity Stitchers in the past and put together a baby blanket for us.
         (Hummm, bet we at Trinity can use her creative talents in event decorating!!)  Aleda is
         looking forward to serving as a camp counselor this summer for a week at 4-H camp.

         Since confirmation, you’ve seen Aleda helping her mom, Sally, ushering, greeting and pitching in
         with many of our community events at Trinity. Aleda has helped teach Vacation Bible School and
         Sunday School and was a featured grower on last year’s garden team. We look forward to her
         participation this year on our garden team!

         When asked what her faith means to her she replied “safety.  She will always have the security
         of the church and people at Trinity to support her. We can show our support by our willingness to
         talk with her and ask how things are going.”  She likes the thought of Trinity members attend-
         ing and supporting her activities in school and 4-H.

         Aleda shared the following ideas when asked what we at Trinity can do to keep our youth en-
         gaged after confirmation.  Aleda has fond memories of ski trips,
         concerts and gatherings when Doc Alan was able to organize
         events.  Aleda is open to the idea of attending a youth outing
         with kids aged 12-18 every other month.  She is open to partic-
         ipating in a mission project and recalls going to Hoo Haven.  A
         gathering of youth to discuss faith issues and scripture read-
         ings as they apply to teenage life today is another possibility.

         Thanks so much Aleda for sharing with us and we love see-
         ing your smiling face around Trinity!! Trinity members, let’s
         think about some of Aleda’s thoughts – please share your

         thoughts with staff and council members on how we at
         Trinity can engage and support our youth.

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