P. 13

a great photograph not only tells the story
                                     but should be so incredibly beautiful

                               that you can truly see a feeling all over again

        accompanied by service, reliability, warranty and a piece of   inspiration that moves you. See an entire wedding so you can see
        mind. The same can be said of photographers. There are "Joe   if consistency and creativity follows thru in your photographer.
        ordinaries" and there are talented artists who are profession-     The basics are this ~ Women want to look beautiful and guys
        als in their craft. A combination of technical savvy mixed with   like to feel handsome. Capturing that or creating that in an
        talent has greater financial value. Beautiful iconic images will   image and making it look real or non-contrived takes a trained
        always be admired and stand the test of time. Talent and  professional. Capturing history combined with knowing when
        style is the most important things to look for in a photographer.  those emotional moments occur and anticipating the reactions
        Talent or the lack thereof is basically reflected by price.  at key times is not by fluke or accident. A pro knows when these
        Beautifully orchestrated magazine styled images with gorgeous   moments happen because she or he has been there many times
        lighting do not happen by chance with a cheap photographer.   and is ready to photograph those precious moments. Real is
        The slick editorial styled images of a bride spinning and laugh-  real and knowing when to look for it comes only by experience.
        ing at camera are crafted images of a lifestyle, fashion and ed-     Local vs. out of town photographers ~ Maybe they did a
        itorial style shooter. Your personalities should mesh. You need   great job at your brothers wedding. This does not always merge
        to like your photographer. Does she or he exude confidence and  over to being comfortable at a totally different venue. And
        good manners? Does he demonstrate personal style in how they  beach weddings are a particular animal with glaring harsh sun
        look and act. Do you feel confident that he or she can manage   and humidity here in the south. Out of town photographers are
        your family pictures with appropriate professionalism.  not familiar with locations and what works at that particular
           Post production ~ Make sure you're not going to (finally) see   venue. They don't know what to do or where to go if it starts
        your photos in six months. In our fast paced life of instant social  raining.
        media such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter your friends      If things go wrong, experience matters ~ The professional
        are sharing images instantly. Many photographers take weeks   photographer will know how to handle the situation. For
        or months to post images or provide the contracted images. A   example. A few years ago we were contracted to shoot a wed-
        true professional should have them ready within the week.  ding for a lovely couple on the island. The day of the wedding
        Know your rights with the photos. Will you have full ownership   arrived as did a tropical storm Andrew. The venue was moved
        of them? If photographer is inexpensive what’s the catch? “Too   indoors under candlelight due to a power outage that lasted all
        cheap” can also mean “good luck” at getting great shots or   evening. To say that the bride and her family was stressed and
        consistency. Or good luck that they will still be in business by   disillusioned would be an understatement. However, weather
        time your event comes around. Make sure the work you see is   has never hindered our work and thru experience, talent
        the photographer you're actually getting. Many less expensive   and style we provided our service with stellar images that had
        studios hire part time photographers who have not developed a   them laughing and crying with tears of joy. We were able to
        style or talent. Don't be fooled by lots of random good shots.  provide them with over a thousand wonderfully orchestrated
        A great photographer should be able to show any wedding that   properly exposed, technically perfect images.
        has myriads of terrific images that draw either a smile, a tear or                            n

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