P. 15
The Perfect Dress
When I meet a new bride for the first time and say “congratu- 3. Wedding gowns and bridesmaids dresses typically run smaller
lations on your engagement!”, I love the way her eyes light up in size compared to regular “street” clothes. All designers have
with excitement and happiness. If you’re recently engaged, then different size charts and one line can be completely different
you’re beginning to plan one of the most important days of your from another, in other words, one designer’s size 8 is another
life, with many details to consider. One of the very first things designer’s size 12. When trying on gowns try not to focus on
you’ll be dreaming about is what wedding gown you want to the size, but on how the gown looks and feels on YOU! How
wear on that special day! I want to offer some tips to keep in you FEEL in the gown is more important than anything else!
mind when beginning the process of finding your gown.
4. Most brides want to share their shopping experience with
1. It’s such fun, and wise, to start browsing styles, silhouettes loved ones and close friends. Finding your wedding gown is a
and designers early on, but don’t get too locked into specifics. special time and one that you’ll always remember. Including the
You might be surprised that once you begin trying on gowns, people closest to you is important, but try not to invite more
what you thought would be than a few special folks, as too many
perfect may not live up to your opinions can be overwhelming and
expectations. Don’t be afraid to make the consult more stressful.
rely on your bridal consultant to
help with some other suggestions I really love owning a bridal boutique
on style and fit. Try to keep an and helping my brides make their
open mind, because you may just wedding day everything they dream
find the dress you love in some- of! I began this business because I’ve
thing completely unexpected! always loved the bridal industry and
when I can help a bride find the gown
2. Keep in mind that bridal gowns she loves, it’s a lovely experience. I
are custom made once the order specialize in personal bridal consults,
is placed, so most gowns take so I welcome you to call, text or email
anywhere from 4-6 months to me to schedule an appointment.
arrive. Shopping between 12-9 Below is a list of products I carry and
months out from your wedding services I provide. I look forward to
date is a good rule of thumb. You hearing from you and helping you say
want to ensure the gown you love yes to the dress!
will arrive in plenty of time for
two or three fittings with a seam-
stress prior to the big day!
BRIDAL GOWN DESIGNERS BRIDAL SERVICES CHRISTINA VICARO OWNER Personal Bridal Consults Lowcountry Bride & Gown Bridesmaids Parties & Mother of the Bride 59 Sheridan Park Circle and Groom Consults, Gown Steaming Bluffton, SC 29910
Justin Alexander’s (great for destination brides!) 843.338.0206
Justin Alexander’s Fitting & Measuring Services
Alterations Referral Services
& MOTHER’S GOWNS Other Wedding Vendor Referral Services In-House Floral Design with Follow me on FaceBook! Make It Pretty Floral Consultant