Page 68 - ادارة المكاتب السياحية 3 سياحة_Neat
P. 68

5- UNWTO (World Tourism Organisation):
   The UNTWO is the United Nations agency, which is

responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable
and universally accessible tourism. As the leading
international organisation in the field of tourism, UNWTO
promotes tourism as a driver of economic growth, inclusive
development and environmental sustainability. It offers
leadership and support to the tourism sector in advancing
knowledge and tourism policies worldwide. It also
encourages the implementation of the Global Code of
Ethics for Tourism, for maximising tourism’s socio-
economic contribution and minimising its possible negative
impacts. It is also committed to promoting tourism as an
instrument for achieving the Sustainable Development
Goals "SDGs", geared towards reducing poverty and
fostering sustainable development worldwide.

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