Page 153 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 153

4. ____ The dog rescued her from a fire. It saved her life.
 5. ____ Many parts of the house are in bad shape. Someone should repair those parts.
 6. ____ Her husband is a European count. She is a countess.

W Rich Dogshen wealthy people pass away, they usually leave instructions for
                    what to do with the money or property that they leave behind. Often,
                    the money and property go to their heirs. However, in some cases, rich
    owners leave their wealth to their pets after they die.
5 For example, there is a poodle named Toby. When this poodle’s owner passed away,


        Reading Time _______ minutes _______ seconds 220 words

2 property:somethingthatapersonowns     7 mutt:amixedbreedofanimal
                                       14 GermanShepherd:abreedofdogthatisoften
5 poodle:abreedofdogwithverycurlyhair
6 pound:moneyinEngland;£                  employedinpoliceormilitaryroles

7 yellowLab:abreedofdogwithyellowfur                                                                                   151
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