Page 155 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 155

Reading Comprehension

Choose the best answer.

1. What could be another title for this reading?

a. ”Taking Care of Your Dog”                      b. “Homeless Dogs”
c. “Dog Millionaires”                             d. “Expensive Dogs”

2. Why is Flossie famous?

a. She is a dog in a children’s story.            b. She is a German countess.

c. She inherited $5 million.                      d. She saved Drew Barrymore’s life.

3. What do Flossie and Gunther have in common?

a. Their owners have passed away. b. They are both mutts.

c. They both own a house.                         d. Their owners are entertainers.

4. The price Gunther IV paid for his house was _____.

a. low compared to the house’s value b. more than he wanted to pay

c. no problem for him                             d. the same amount Madonna paid

5. Based on the reading, which of the following is probably true?

a. Gunther IV lives with Madonna. b. Drew Barrymore likes poodles.

c. Drew Barrymore sold Flossie.                   d. Toby’s owner was British.

Listen to the dialog and complete each sentence.

1. I n order to wake her sleeping owners, Flossie _________________________________ and ________


Find these idioms in the reading.

pass away                  [ to die ]

                           M y grandparents passed away before I was born, so I never
                           knew them.

make headlines             [ to become an important news story ]
                           The singer is old, but he is still making headlines .

no big deal                [ nothing to worry about; not a problem ]
                           She lost her keys, but it is no big deal . She has an extra set.

Fill in the blank with one of the above idioms. Change its form if necessary.

1. The vet said our cat ____________________ in her sleep.

2. O ur school’s soccer team ____________________ last year when  we won the national

3. If you can’t pay me today, it’s ____________________. You can pay me tomorrow.                 153
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