Page 70 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 70

1. What kinds of things do you have on your computer?
2. Are you worried about computer security? Why or why not?
3. Do you know anyone who has been hacked? Who?


Expressing Quantity

Phrases expressing quantity are followed by a singular noun or a plural noun, which
determines whether the following verb should be singular or plural.
Companies these days spend thousands of (dollar / dollars) on their computer security.
All that money spent (is / are) basically wasted.


Write your own short paragraph by answering the questions below.

My Computer

(1) How much important                   Example
information do you have stored on
your computer? (2) What kind of         I have a lot of important
information is it? (3) Do you worry  information stored on my computer.
about keeping this information       I have school information and
safe? (4) Why or why not?            bank information. I don’t worry
                                     about keeping it safe. My computer
                                     is at home, and only a few people
                                     can get into or use it.


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