Page 73 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 73
4. ____ They disagree with the pet store. They think those animals should not be sold.
5. ____ People built houses on the animals’ homes. Now the animals are very rare.
6. ____ She thought it was strange to see insects in a vending machine.
H Bugs for Saleow often have you gone to a vending machine to get a bag of chips?
What if you found a pair of live beetles instead? It may sound strange, but
a company in Japan sells large beetles through vending machines. The
vending machine company and natureconservationists disagree about selling
beetles this way.
5 Many school-age children in Japan collect beetles. Other
people also enjoy this hobby. However, people are
building houses where the beetles live. This destroys
the beetles’ homes. Now, it is difficult to find the
beetles in the wild.
Since 1999, the Mirai Seiko Company has been
selling these beetles in vending machines. The company
says that it wants to help people own these rare insects.
It 10 also says that it takes good care of the beetles in the
machines. True or not, the machines are very popular.
The machines sell more than 1,500 beetles per month.
Sometimes, people buy all the beetles in a machine in just
a few minutes.
15 On the other hand, conservationists feel that the
machines are harmful. Children may think that living
creatures are like soft drinks or boxes of candy. Do you
feel that the vending machines give people a rare
experience, or that they give children bad ideas? Either 20
1 vendingmachine:amachinethatsellsthings 5 collect:togatherthingsthatyoulike
2 beetle:aninsectwithalargebody
4 nature:theworldofplantsandanimals 6 destroy:tobreakintopieces
4 conservationis:at personwhowantstohelp 9 own:tohavepersonallyorprivately
theenvironment 16 harmfu:lhurtful;damaging