Page 13 - Raco 2017
P. 13
- BDC - 03/04 DEC 2015 1. Opening of Conference
Capt. Ian Harrington, as President of RACO and Conference chairman, officially opened the conference on the afternoon of 18 November and formally welcomed all delegates to the
2. Selection of Standing Orders Committee
The Conference selected Lt Col Tom Roche (AC) as Chairperson of the Standing Orders Committee and Comdts Mc Guinness and Bouchier as members.
3. Adoption of Standing Orders
a. A quorum of delegates was confirmed as being present at conference and unanimously adopted Standing Orders.
b. The Standing Order Committee then asked delegates to come forward with any proxy votes for processing. The following were processed;
(1). Comdt S. Keogh voted for Comdt D. Mccourt on 18/19 Nov. (2). Comdt T. Barry voted for Comdt S. Coffey on 18/19 Nov. (3). Lt S. Hunt voted for Lt B. McMorrow on 18/19 Nov.
(4). Lt S. McDermott voted for Capt F. Scalici on 19 Nov.
c. CaptC.SpellmanandComdtJ.LawlorwereproposedasConferencetellers.ComdtD. Coakley was proposed as the Conference steward.
d. The adoption of Standing Orders was proposed by Capt E. Balfe and seconded by Comdt R. Kearney.
4. In advance of the formal addresses to conference the Conference presided over motions for conference. The motions for the open session were debated immediately following the opening of the conference, with all open motions voted upon prior to the Ministers arrival. Closed motions were completed on the morning of the Thu, 19 Nov 2015. A summary and outcome of the motions debate in contained in para.8 below.
5. The Chairman officially welcomed the Chief of Staff, Vice-Admiral Mark Mellett, to the Conference. Comdt Harrington then addressed the Conference and was followed by VADM
6. The Conference welcomed Minister for Defence, Mr. Simon Coveney T.D. and members of the Department of Defence. The Minister addressed the Conference. The minister
was followed by RACO General Secretary, Comdt Earnan Naughton who addressed the Conference by way of reply.
Biennial Delegate Conference 2017