Page 78 - Raco 2017
P. 78
With the coming into operation of the Defence (Amendment) Act , 1990 and the
making of Defence Force Regulations S6 the final stage in the formal establishment
of representative associations for the Permanent Defence Force has been reached. The establishment of the Representative Association of Commissioned Officers (RACO), and the Permanent Defence Force Other Ranks Representative Association (PDFORRA), is
a very significant development in the history of our Defence Force and has followed an extensive series of consultations with the elected representatives of personnel.
The government are fully committed to the implementation of the new arrangements, the purpose of which is to give members of the Permanent Defence Force a representative voice in regard to their remuneration and certain other conditions of service. The achievement of this objective in a harmonious way will require the active cooperation of all concerned so that the new institutional arrangements can be put
in place without interfering with the essential ethos of the Defence Forces and the traditional values enshrined in that ethos.
There is a special duty on commanding officers and association representatives to ensure that in their dealings with each other an easy atmosphere prevails to facilitate the full expression of the point of view and position of the representatives on matters which come within the scope of representation. This is particularly important in the initial period following the assumption by elected representatives of their new role. Commanding officers should therefore be sensitive to the possible inhibiting effect
of undue formalities on representatives. All parties must be aware that they have a special responsibility to demonstrate that the new arrangements are not in any way detrimental to the command and control of, and discipline within, the Defence Forces and to ensure that there is a meaningful representation within these parameters. They also have a major contribution to make towards this objective by achieving the correct environment at meetings.
While a member of the Permanent Defence Force is at all times subject to the provisions of the Defence Act, 1954, an elected representative may be expected to express himself with greater freedom and to argue his case with more vigour than would normally be the case. Attached to this privilege, however, is an inherent responsibility not to misuse it.
The regulations provide that meetings between both sides may be held at various levels and that the subject which may be discussed at these levels will be as laid down. The frequency with which meetings may need to be called will depend largely on local circumstances. In this context mutual cooperation and goodwill should allow a meeting to be arranged at short notice where there is an important and urgent matter to be resolved. Conversely, where there is no pressing business outstanding both sides may agree to defer a meeting. In any event it is highly desirable that where problems arise they are dealt with quickly and initially at the lowest appropriate level. Only where it is not possible to achieve a resolution satisfactory to both sides should a problem be referred to a higher level. Such a procedure should ensure the speedy and effective disposal of local issues.
It is important for the maintenance of the status of the elected representatives
that problems in areas coming within the scope of representation should, where
appropriate, be handled by the duly elected representatives and that no encouragement should be given to any particular group or section within a particular rank to act independently of the relevant representative association, or in any way that might be contrary to the overall interests of the rank concerned as determined by that association. This, however, in no way precludes any individual member from seeking to secure, through the normal military channels, redress in respect of any particular grievance that he or she may have.
Biennial Delegate Conference 2017