Page 23 - Raco 2018
P. 23

Annual Delegate Conference 2018
Call for a a a a a a a a recount: A recount recount shall be called by the the the the the Chairperson Chairperson of of Conference at at the the the the the request of of the the the the proposer where the the the the Chairperson Chairperson considers there is justification Suspension of Standing Orders 23 A motion to to suspend Standing Orders must must be be submitted in in in in writing to to the the the Chairperson of the the the the the the Conference Conference by the the the the the the proposer proposer and and and and seconder seconder The The proposer proposer and and and and seconder seconder must must must be be Voting Delegates at at the the the the the the Conference Conference The The written request must must specify the the the the the the Standing Standing Order Order the the the the the the reason for its introduction and and and and the the the the the the the period of of suspension A motion to to suspend Standing Standing Standing Orders Orders cannot be be moved until the the the the the the matter has been referred to to the the the the the the Chairperson Chairperson of of the the the the the the Standing Standing Orders Orders Committee for for for decision decision Where the the the the the the decision decision is is is positive the the the the the the Conference Conference Chairperson Chairperson will place the the motion before Conference for for for approval Points of Order 24 Any delegate may interrupt the the the proceedings of of the the the Conference on on a a a a a “Point-of-order” should these Standing Orders not be adhered to Quorum
25 The The Quorum
for the the ADC shall be 19 Delegates Delegates (60% of of o of all all Delegates Delegates entitled to attend Conference) The The Quorum
must include a a a a a a a a minimum of of o of one officer of of o of the the National Executive Timetable and Agenda
26 The timetable timetable and and agenda agenda listed in the the the programme for the the the Delegate Conference Conference will be the the timetable timetable and and agenda agenda used by this Conference Majority Voting 27 Motions/Amendments to the the the the Constitution will be adopted where a a a a a a a a two-third majority of of of the the the the the voting voting delegates and proxies present at at the the the the the time of of of voting voting are in in in favour of of of the the the the the motion/ amendment amendment All other motions/amendments require a a a a a a a a a a simple majority to be adopted 28 All reference to to the the the Chairperson Chairperson in in these Standing Orders refers to to the the the Conference Chairperson STANDING ORDERS
Picture: Óglaigh na hÉireann

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