Page 23 - GP spring 2023
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risk. But it must be a smart, calculated  you’ll  be  looking  at  a  reduced  benefit  of  sophisticated.  It is important  to make  an
        risk,  which  means  being  broadly  diversi-  approximately 75% of the amount you’re  assessment of the ability of each of your
        fied.    Most  medical  professionals  have  a  eligible for. Full retirement age depends on  children to manage the property, and then
        high tax bracket,  so investments  need to  your year of birth. You can also delay your  decide  whether  to  leave  the  bequest  out-
        be tax sensitive. Two strategies: (1) keep  filing past full retirement age. For each year  right or in trust.
        turnover  low  and  (2)  keep  tax-inefficient  you  delay  your  benefit,  up  until  age  70,
        investments  in retirement  accounts  (NOT  your benefit will grow 8% enabling you to  Estate  planning  also allows you to make
        in taxable accounts).                receive a maximum of up to approximate-  decisions that  your loved ones carry out
                                             ly  132%  of  your  regular  benefit  amount.  while following legal  directives  in your

        One effective strategy that many overlook  Delaying your filing will clearly leave you  estate plan. An  advance healthcare  direc-
        is converting tax-deferred funds to a Roth  with more money on a monthly basis, but  tive, also known as living will, is a legal
        IRA or Roth 401(k). While the conversion  you need to consider whether it will mean  document in which a person specifies what
        amount is taxable in the year it is convert-  getting the most money on a lifetime ba-  actions should be taken for their health if
        ed, the upside is these Roth accounts let  sis. If you don’t expect to live very long  they are no longer able to make decisions
        your retirement savings grow tax-free and  because of health issues or your personal  for themselves because of illness or inca-
        are not taxable when withdrawn (as long  family history, then it could make more fi-  pacity. In a power of attorney (POA), the
        as you’re 59½ or older and have owned a  nancial sense for you to claim benefits at  principal (you) names one or more agents
        Roth for at least five years). It’s important  full retirement age or even sooner in order  (often an adult child) to act on your be-
        not to let the upfront tax bill prevent you  to receive the highest lifetime payout.   half. You need a POA,  because someone
        from moving your retirement  funds from                                   needs to manage your assets, pay bills, and
        accounts that are taxed to tax-free accounts  To  maximize  Social  Security  benefits  for  make decisions if you become incapacitat-
        no  matter  when  you  take  them  out.  The  you and your spouse, you need  to know  ed. The alternative is for your loved ones
        point is to not be shortsighted at the ex-  which  of  the  separate  claiming  strategies  to ask a court to declare you incompetent
        pense of being hit with large tax payments  for married couples is right for you. Max-  and appoint someone to act on your behalf,
        in retirement.                       imizing Social Security benefits isn’t easy  known as guardianship in most states. One
                                             as there are  hundreds of rules governing  of the primary goals of estate planning (in
        Using Health Savings Accounts and Flexi-  payments alone.                 addition to minimizing estate taxes) is giv-
        ble Savings Accounts for medical expenses                                 ing the surviving family members and ben-
        are also strategies that should be explored  Planning your estate is the final area every-  eficiaries less stress and some privacy.
        and utilized.                        one needs to think about for successful re-
                                             tirement planning. Estate planning will en-  Retirement can be a time of freedom, en-
        Maximizing  your Social  Security  income  sure that your physical assets, investments,  joyment,  and  security  without  significant
        is another building block for retirement.  cash, etc. are transferred to your beneficia-  stress and  distractions,  but in  order to
        United Income, a financial-planning advi-  ries with minimal legal and tax complica-  achieve  these things, retirement  needs to
        sory service,  released  an important  study  tions. To ensure that your estate does not go  be planned for.  Those who follow a specif-
        in 2019 called, “The Retirement Solution  through probate, you need to create a will  ic financial plan can expect to have better
        Hiding In Plain Sight.” Using government  and consider the option  of using a trust.  average  returns  and  long-term  success  in
        data and proprietary software, it calculates  You could look to establish a few trusts as  retirement than those who do not.
        how much  money  retirees  have  lost,  and  part of your estate plan:  Disclaimer Trusts
        are losing, by making mistakes about when  (protects parents), Dynasty Trusts (protects

        to start claiming Social Security benefits.  kids), and IRA Trusts (protects kids). Es-  David Rosenstrock, CFP
        This study found that 96% of retirees are  tate  planning  is also essential  to protect   is the Director and
        leaving up to $111,000 behind per house-  your estate from creditors and unnecessary    Founder  of  Wharton
        hold  by claiming  Social  Security  at  the  family feuds.                             Wealth Planning, LLC
        suboptimal time. The majority of retirees                                               (www.whartonwealth
        choose to begin receiving Social Security  Most of us understand why minor children He earned
        payouts within a few months after turn-  and young adults shouldn’t inherit proper-     his MBA from the Whar-
        ing age 62 or immediately after they stop  ty outright. Someone with more maturity   ton Business School and B.S. in econom-
        working, even though it is generally bene-  and experience needs to manage the assets   ics from Cornell University. He is also a
        ficial to delay the benefits.        and make spending decisions. That’s why   Certified Financial Planner. David lives
                                             for minors and young adults, inheritances   in New York with his wife and their two
        Because everyone has a different situation  routinely are left in trusts at least until the   very active children.
        and there are many strategies available,  minors are older.  Too often, however, peo-
        you should determine what’s best for you  ple overlook the benefits of leaving assets
        based on your age, life expectancy, income  in trust for adult children instead of having
        needs and other retirement  assets. A few  them inherit the property outright.
        small mistakes can take a big hit on your
        golden years.                        There are risks to leaving wealth outright,
                                             even to grown children and there are ben-
        The earliest age you can sign up for Social  efits  of  using  inheritance  trusts  to  hold
        Security  is  age  62,  but  if  you  file  before  bequests for them. Reaching a particular
        full retirement age (as defined by the IRS),  age  doesn’t  mean  someone  is  financially

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