Page 12 - GP Fall 2020
P. 12

A Conservative Method of Subgingival Overhang Removal on a
                                      Terminal Tooth: A Case Report

                              By Erini Farid, Shariss Ostrager, DDS, Mary Salama, DDS, Tejal Gohil, BDS,
                                     Francis F Tung, DMD, MPH, and Analia Veitz-Keenan, DDS

       Introduction                         loss of  periodontal  attachment  than  those  Patient Description
       The goal of restorative  dentistry is to re-  without. 4,7,10,13           A 26-year-old female with a non-contribu-
       establish the function, esthetics, and form,                               tory medical history, presented to NYU Col-
       of the teeth involved, with the intention of  Correction  of a  restorative  overhang  has  lege of Dentistry in 2016 for comprehensive
       preventing any recurrent decay.  A common  been consistently shown to increase gingi-  care  with  the  chief  complaint,  “I  am  here
       problem encountered in operative dentistry  val and periodontal health parameters. This  for a check up.” Clinical  examination  re-
       is a restorative overhang, defined as “an ex-  is because the provision of smooth margins  vealed low caries risk and good periodontal
       tension of restorative  material  beyond the  enables plaque control and effective plaque  health, however, an incidental finding was
       confines of a cavity preparation.”   Reports  removal. 7,10,13   Studies have shown that when  noted on radiographic exam. Her lower left
       have indicated that the prevalence of over-  overhangs are removed from restorations, a  mandibular  second molar (tooth #18) had
       hangs may be as high as 76% of restored  decrease in probing depths, gingival crevic-  a subgingival restoration with a significant
       surfaces, and is most frequently seen on  ular fluid (GCF) volume, and disease-asso-  overhang. The patient reported that she had
       interproximal surfaces of posterior teeth.   ciated microflora are all seen, along with an  her impacted third molars extracted because
       Overhanging restorations may be the result  increase in alveolar bone support. 6,10  The re-  they were causing decay. Post-extraction,
       of numerous factors. Dental operators are  duction in probing depths and GCF volume  her previous dentist had gained access to the
       more likely to produce restorations with an  indicates a reduction of periodontal inflam-  decay on tooth #18 and performed a subgin-
       overhang when there  is limited  access  to  mation, as GCF is composed of inflammato-  gival restoration. Her previous dentist had
       margins causing difficulty polishing, when  ry enzymes and cytokines as well as tissue  informed her that there was overhang on the
       using  low viscosity materials or with an im-  breakdown products.  11,13    restoration due to difficulty with access.
       proper or inappropriately used matrix sys-
       tem. 3,5,6  In addition to these iatrogenic fac-  There are numerous methods of correcting
       tors, the risk of producing a restoration with  a restorative overhang, most commonly by
       overhang is greater in cases with subgingi-  recontouring  or by removal  and  replace-
       val margins. 3,7,8,9  Establishing  proper mar-  ment of the restoration.   The majority of
       ginal integrity is further complicated by the  methods reported in the literature are spe-
       challenge for dental operators to clinically  cific to amalgam overhangs, and it is noted
       detect subgingival overhangs when check-  that composite overhang correction is more
       ing the outcomes of restorative therapy pro-  challenging and has fewer available repair
       vided; as such, radiographic assessment is  techniques.  With the trend of restorative
       the most reliable way to detect a restorative  dentistry favoring composite restorations
       overhang. 10                         over amalgam restorations, the prevalence
                                            of restorative  overhangs  may  increase.
       Cervical  overhangs pose concerns  for the  Many instruments  are  described  as  effec-
       restorative and periodontal prognosis of re-  tive in the removal of amalgam overhangs,
       stored teeth through several mechanisms. 10,11   including  sickle scalers, curettes,  chisels,
       From the restorative perspective, secondary  ultrasonic  scalers,  trimmers,  rotary  instru-
       caries are more common with overhang-  mentation with diamond finishing burs, and
       ing  margins due to  their  increased  plaque  surgical blades. 4,6,8,9  Finishing strips of vari-
       retention  and microleakage.  Overhangs  ous thickness and coarseness have also been
       also reduce access of interproximal clean-  applied as a supplemental technique in re-
       ing devices, which creates an environment  moving restorative overhangs.  Specifically,
       that is more ideal for the accumulation of  one study found that sickle scalers produced
       plaque. 3,6,8,10  Increased plaque retention fur-  the least smooth margins, and that diamond
       ther affects periodontal prognosis, as plaque  flame  burs  caused  the  greatest  amount  of
       promotion  disrupts the  ecological  balance  tooth damage.  Furthermore, damage to   Figure 1. Pre-operative bitewing and periapical
       in the gingival sulcus, shifting the subgingi-  adjacent tooth structure and soft tissue was   radiographs showing overhang on the distal of
       val microflora from predominantly aerobic  reported as the most common complication   tooth #18.
       gram-positive strains to destructive anaero-  when removing an overhang.  The  body
       bic gram-negative strains. 2,3,7,10  Accordingly,  of literature  evaluating  different  methods  During her next periodic exam at NYU Col-
       restorative overhangs are also known to be  of composite resin and amalgam overhang  lege of Dentistry, the patient was informed
       involved in the development of gingivitis,  removal is limited despite the heavy prev-  again about the risk factors associated with
       which may develop into periodontitis. 4-8,10-12   alence  of overhangs  and  their  resulting  the overhang and was motivated to find a
       Interproximal  restorations  with overhangs  impact on restorative and periodontal prog-  solution. Upon further examination,  tooth
       may also violate supracrestal attached  tis-  nosis.  This case report details the correc-  #18 had good periodontal health and no car-
       sue (formerly  known as biologic  width).   tion of a subgingival overhang of unknown  ies noted. The restoration and overhang in
       Consequently, it  is well  documented  that  material on the distal of a mandibular sec-  question  were completely  subgingival  and
       teeth  with  overhanging  restorations  expe-  ond molar without proximal contact using a  were  not  visible  clinically.  An endodon-
       rience  greater  gingival  inflammation  and  minimally invasive technique.   tic  evaluation  was completed.  Tooth #18 l Fall 2020 l GP 12
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