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L & T | RxPertise |
Spectacle Lens BY JEFF HOPKINS
an eter t gle vis s asy to r, yanci s onlen s
prod e. nses a al rwea r the la ll ionst s reyeg -
Single vision lenses were, of course, the origi- nal spectacle lenses. Exactly when they were invented is not known for certain; the first reference we have to spectacles is, oddly enough, in a sermon delivered in 1306 by Friar Giordano de Pisa. He wrote, “It is not yet 20 years since there was found the art of
s e o
In the 1950s, a solution was developed that
greatly reduced the need for compromise:
early evolution of
lenses moved slowly. FIG. 1
aspheric lenses. This type of lens has a curva- SINGLE VISION ture that “flattens out” between the center
الشركات الراعية لمجلة آيزون EYEZONE Sponsors
International Optique
31 32 33
37 38
51 53
40 • June 2020 20/20 Gene Therapy for Color Blindness
55 International Optique Stores Open with a Slew of Precautionary Measures
It was much later that lenses evolved beyond of the lens and the edge (Fig. 2). The chang- strictly spherical curves, but the need was ing curvature creates surface astigmatism
EYEZONE Issue 91-92 May / August 2020
الغ ف الخارجي من Cover image from
Published by Bandoor National Company
Passes First Phase of Human Testing
Contact Lens Wear during the Pandemic
Declining Eyesight Improved by Looking at Deep Red Light
Iconic HAWAII LAVATM Red Mirror Lens Color by Maui Jim is Now Available in Prescription
What We Know About Children's vision
Post-Pandemic Special
OD Finds Effective Application For Telemedicine In Vision Therapy
A Virtual Look Into Post-Pandemic Eye Care
Continuing Education
The Mature Contact Lens Patient
Doctor’s Advice
Symptoms and Treatment of Glaucoma
Innovative Products
59 Innovative Products from Around the World
Studies & Research
65 Digitizing Single Vision
67 An Eye for Details
71 Concerns About Children’s Eye and Vision Health during the Coronavirus Pandemic
75 How Can We Know What Helps and What Hinders People Accessing Eye Care?
77 The True and False Of Eyelashes 80 Are You Set?
82 All Eyes on Face Shield Fashion 83 Kids Eyewear Trends for
Special Supplement on Audiology
While progressive lenses are topic in our industry, sin lenses are often overlooked. It’s e why: The product category is literall and the great majority of single visi sold can be considered a commodity However, the latest single vision le other new types of lenses for younge are as advanced in technology as progressive lenses. And the innovat embody could benefit many younge wearers—if only they knew about th
nal making eyeglasses, which make for good ion vision.” (This could also be the first example see of a celebrity eyewear endorsement.) These ent, early eyeglasses had convex lenses that could ses provide reading vision for presbyopes and uct. correct hyperopia (Fig. 1). Concave “minus” nd lenses for myopia began to appear in the rers 16th century, and the
test first lenses with cylin- hey der power for cor- astigmatism eveloped in y 19th centu- viously, the
there. Spherical lenses provided excellen vision if the most appropriate base curve wa used for the patient’s prescription. Howeve for stronger prescriptions, a spherical len could be thick and bulgy. One way to addres this was to use a lens with a flatter front curv However, since this would not be the ide front curve for the prescription, the weare would not have clear vision across the fu height and width of the lens (how much it wa restricted depended on the patient’s prescrip tion and the curve chosen.) In short, wearer with stronger prescriptions had to choos between the need to see well and the desire t
lass recting were d
he earl ry. Ob
87 88
Hair Cell Loss Can Be Underlying Cause of Age-Related Hearing Loss
Fruit Fly Genes Open New Doors for Hearing Loss Cure in Elderly
-92 May / August 2020
A New World of High-Tech Innovations for Optical’s Original
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