Page 78 - Demo
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Figure 2: Surgical mask. Figure 2: Surgical mask.
Figure 3: Homemade mask. Figure 3: Homemade mask.
Our employees will wear gloves in direct patient Our employees will wear gloves in direct patient
What’s next? What’s next?
contact and dispose of them between each patient. contact and dispose of them between each patient.
Now that you have a safety plan for the people in Now that you have a safety plan for the people in
This is advice from both the AOA, AAO, ABO, and This is advice from both the AOA, AAO, ABO, and
your practice, you need to turn your attention to your practice, you need to turn your attention to
NAO, and includes clinical workup, adjustments NAO, and includes clinical workup, adjustments
the facility itself. Next time we will talk about the the facility itself. Next time we will talk about the
and dispensing, but not contact lens insertion and and dispensing, but not contact lens insertion and
physical changes you need to make for the health physical changes you need to make for the health
removal training according to the ABO and AOA. removal training according to the ABO and AOA.
and safety of your patients and employees. and safety of your patients and employees.
Cleaning hands with soap and water are what we Cleaning hands with soap and water are what we
Remember to take some time for yourself and Remember to take some time for yourself and
need here. Hand sanitizer would not suf ce because need here. Hand sanitizer would not suf ce because
bolster your optical knowledge with our CEs, many bolster your optical knowledge with our CEs, many
alcohol and contact lenses do not mix. alcohol and contact lenses do not mix.
of which are free, courtesy of educational grants of which are free, courtesy of educational grants
Patients are not required or encouraged to wear Patients are not required or encouraged to wear
from our sponsors at from our sponsors at
gloves. If they want to, that is  ne. gloves. If they want to, that is  ne.
Originally published in 20/20 Magazine (2020mag. Originally published in 20/20 Magazine (2020mag.
com). com).
69 EYEZONE Issue 91 May / June 2020
EYEZONE Issue 91-92  May / August 2020 78

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