Page 79 - Demo
P. 79
Pro Tip: The Safety Monitor is an excellent position for a new hire. You can train them for the job in a very short time, and they can observe the workings of the clinic without adversely affecting productivity.
time they arrived. As patients and employees leave, record that time as well. This way you have a written record of the total number of bodies in the of ce at one time.
Local rules are all over the place on the occupancy allowed, so be sure to check with your Fire Marshall for guidance.
According to the CDC and AAO, we choose 100.1OF as the magic temperature number to disallow entry into the clinic. If an employee comes to work and tests higher, we send them home, and they cannot return without a doctor’s release.
If we are at capacity when a patient arrives for an appointment, the Safety Monitor will have them wait in their car and call or otherwise signal them when they may enter. We take a cell number for each patient upon arrival at the Safety Monitor to check in.
Patients must arrive alone to limit the number of people in the of ce. There are patients, minors, and others, who will need someone with them.
Remember to test and document each patient, caregiver, parent, or guardian.
Here we took the CDC advice for training. We linked their PPE donning and dof ng training to our Learning Management system. This way we ensure that all our staff has the same training. We require all employees to wear a surgical mask at work. We do not allow homemade masks in the clinical, front desk, and dispensing areas, but do in the back- of ce settings. N95 respirators are not required in our of ces, and we do not provide them. Employees can wear them if they wish. They throw each mask away at their lunch break and put on a new one before returning to work in the afternoon.
Patients are very strongly encouraged to wear a mask, and to bring one (homemade okay) if they can. We will make an effort to provide one if available. The AAO and AOA were the sources for this protocol.
79 EYEZONE Issue 91-92 May / August 2020