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con rmed diagnosis of COVID-19, but have not been in close personal contact with them (within 6 feet for 10 minutes or more without a face mask) within the past 14 days?
3) Have you experienced any of the following NEW symptoms in the past 72 hours: fever greater than 100° F / 38° C, new abnormal cough, loss of taste/smell, shortness of breath, diarrhea or u-like symptoms like body aches? All EMPLOYEES WILL HAVE TEMPERATURE TAKEN WITH TOUCHLESS THERMOMETER TO CONFIRM ACCEPTABLE TEMPERATURE.
Temp. Reading: _________
4) day:
Check the appropriate nal response for the
Have you had contact with a person with a
• Yes to #1 or #3 DO NOT REPORT TO WORK
Call HR and follow standard procedures by calling the attendance line for reporting your absence and follow the guidance for self-quarantine and return to work.
• Yes to #2, No to 1 & 3 CLEARED FOR WORK
You must wear a mask at work. Must closely monitor for temperature daily and/or any symptoms. If any symptoms develop, do not come to work and notify HR and call attendance line as outlined above.
• All No Responses CLEARED FOR WORK
Mask required while working.
The Safety Monitor will also ll out the form in Figure 1 below. This person will screen the temperature of each employee and patient; recording it with the
EYEZONE Issue 91-92 May / August 2020 80
Studies & Research
Are You Set?
By David Kincade, ABOC, FNAO
Now that you have your COVID-19 team experts reporting on the measures to implement at restart, what exactly are those measures? To what degree do we change our procedures? Let me tell you what we did in our clinics.
Employee and Patient Screenings
While making their appointments, we ask the three magic questions recommended by the CDC:
• Have you been in contact with anyone with coronavirus for an extended period without PPE?
• Have you recently traveled to a high-risk area?
• Have you been sick with fever, cough, or shortness of breath?
If the patient answers yes to any one of these, schedule them 14 days out, and chart the encounter. Ask speci cs about their answers, dates, and remedies.
Tell your employees, “If you are sick, stay home.” That should be easy, but in practice, not so much. Employees must answer three questions. In fact, we have them self-certify every day with the following form, as described by the CDC. The Safety Monitor stationed at the ONLY entry door (no back door entry) will ll out the employee assessment.
Daily Employee Assessment
NOTE: ALL FIELDS ARE REQUIRED. Forms will be led and managed by the Safety Monitor.
Name (First and Last): _________________________ Employee Location: ___________________________ Date and time: _______________________________
1) Have you been exposed (which means being within 6 feet for 10 minutes or more without a facemask) to a person with con rmed or probable diagnosis of COVID-19 within the past 14 days? This includes household members, intimate partner or providing care in a household without using recommended infection control precautions.