Page 20 - Demo Trends
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APPENDIX              1                                                                                                      JUDGEMENTS DELIVERED IN 2015/2016

                        TD NO.       PARTY NO. 1         PARTY NO. 2             CORAM             DATE OF                   TD NO.      PARTY NO. 1          PARTY NO. 2             CORAM             DATE OF
                                                                                                   DELIVERY                                                                                             DELIVERY
                       TD 1/13(S)   All Trinidad and   Debera Rampersad   HH Mrs. S. Ramparas       06.10.15                TD 605/14  Banking, Insurance   Trinidad and Tobago   HH Mrs. K. George-    27.01.16
                                   General Workers’   (trading as Debera’s   HH Mr. N. A. Mohammed                                        and General      Mortgage Finance      Marcelle                 ORAL
                                     Trade Union           Fashions)      HH Mr. M. Mitchell                                             Workers' Union     Company Limited    HH Mr. G. Rousseau      JUDGEMENT
                                                                                                                                                                               HH Mr. N. A. Mohammed
                        TD 47/14   National Union of      Caribbean       HH Mrs. H. Seale          06.10.15
                                   Government and      Glassworks Limited  HH Mr. N. A. Mohammed     ORAL                   ESD TD 43   Oilfields Workers'   Trinidad and Tobago   HH Mr. L. Achong     27.01.16
                                  Federated Workers                       HH Mr. M. Mitchell      JUDGEMENT                  & 44/12      Trade Union     Electricity Commission  HH Mr. K. Narinesingh   ORAL
                                                                                                                                                                               HH Mr. M. Maharaj       JUDGEMENT
                        ST 23/13     Estate Police         National       HH Mr. L. Achong          07.10.15
                                    Association of   Maintenance Training  HH Mr. D. Rambally        ORAL                      TD       Oilfields Workers'   Petroleum Company   HH Mr. R. Lutchmedial  01.02.16
                                  Trinidad and Tobago    and Security     HH Mr. K. Narinesingh   JUDGEMENT                  45/13(S)     Trade Union        of Trinidad and   HH Mr. M. Daniel           ORAL
                                                       Company Limited                                                                                       Tobago Limited    HH Mr. R. Jugmohan      JUDGEMENT
                       TD 346/14     Transport and     Banking, Insurance   HH Mrs. K. George-      13.10.15                TD 204/14  All Trinidad General   Trinidad Estate   HH Mr. H. Soverall      01.02.16
                                   Industrial Workers'   and General Workers'   Marcelle             ORAL                             Workers' Trade Union   Management        HH Mr. B. Dabideen
                                        Union               Union         HH Mrs. J. Christopher-   JUDGEMENT                                             Business Development  HH Mr. M. Mitchell
                                                                             Nicholls                                                                         Corporation

                       TD 190/06   Oilfields Workers’   Lever Brothers (West   HH Mr. H. Soverall   14.10.15                TD 153/11     Steel Workers      Junior Sammy      HH Mrs. S. Ramparas      03.02.16
                                     Trade Union         Indies) Limited  HH Mr. A. Aberdeen                                            Union of Trinidad   Contractors Limited  HH Dr. S. Samaroo
                                                                          HH Mrs. J. Christopher-                                         and Tobago                           HH Mrs. K. George-
                                                                             Nicholls                                                                                            Marcelle
                       TD 198/13   Banking, Insurance   Port Workers and   HH Mrs. H. Seale         20.10.15                TD 428/13     Seamen and      Pricesmart Clubs (T&T)  HH Mr. H. Soverall    04.02.16
                           &         and General         Private Sector   HH Ms. B. Mahabir          ORAL                              Waterfront Workers’   Limited (formerly P.S.   HH Mr. K. Narinesingh
                         571/14     Workers' Union       Manning Ltd.     HH Mrs. J. Christopher-   JUDGEMENT                             Trade  Union     Operations Limited)  HH Mrs. J. Christopher-
                                                                             Nicholls                                                                                            Nicholls

                       TD 312/11   Oilfields Workers’   Unilever Caribbean   HH Mrs. H. Seale       23.10.15                TD 606/14    Public Services     Chief Personnel   HH Mrs. S. Ramparas      09.02.16
                                     Trade Union            Limited       HH Mr. P. Rabathaly                                            Association of          Officer       HH Mr. P. Rabathaly
                                                                          HH Mr. N. Khan                                              Trinidad and Tobago                      HH Mr. M. Mitchell
                       TD 130/14  Steel Workers Union      Coosal's        HH Mr. L. Achong         26.10.15                TD 239/06  Banking, Insurance     La Horquetta     HH Mrs. H. Seale         23.02.16
                                    of Trinidad and      Construction     HH Mr. R. Linton           ORAL                                 and General       Regional Complex   HH Mr. A. Aberdeen         ORAL
                                       Tobago          Company Limited    HH Mr. R. Jugmohan      JUDGEMENT                              Workers' Union                        HH Mr. G. Rousseau      JUDGEMENT

                        TD 34/14   National Union of        Beaver        HH Mrs. H. Seale          27.10.15                TD 545/11   Communication       Hilton Trinidad and   HH Mr. H. Soverall    29.07.16
                                   Government and     Construction Limited  HH Mr. G. Rousseau       ORAL                    156-178,    Workers’ Union    Conference Centre   HH Mr. A. Aberdeen
                                  Federated Workers                       HH Mr. R. Jugmohan      JUDGEMENT                   255 &                                            HH Mr. M. Maharaj
                        TD 92/12  Banking, Insurance   RBTT Bank Limited   HH Mrs. H. Seale         28.10.15
                                     and General                          HH Ms. B. Mahabir          ORAL                   TD 198/15     Government        Range Resources    HH Mr. M. Daniel         26.02.16
                                    Workers' Union                        HH Mr. M. Maharaj       JUDGEMENT                               Industrial and     Drilling Services   HH Mr. B. Dabideen       ORAL
                                                                                                                                        General Workers         Limited        HH Mr. G. Rousseau      JUDGEMENT
                        ST 26/13     Estate Police      Amalgamated       HH Mr. L. Achong          02.11.15                                 Union
                                    Association of      Security Services   HH Mr. D. Rambally       ORAL
                                  Trinidad and Tobago       Limited       HH Mr. K. Narinesingh     RULING                    RSBD     Banking, Insurance    1st Party No. 2   HH Mr. H. Soverall       01.03.16
                                                                                                                              15/13       and General       Stella Distributors   HH Mr. N. Khan
                          IRO     Steel Workers Union   Arcelormittal Point   HH Mrs. S. Ramparas   05.11.15                             Workers’ Union     (Trinidad) Limited  HH Mr. M. Maharaj
                        1/14(S)     of Trinidad and      Lisas Limited    HH Mr. R. Jugmohan                                                                      And
                                       Tobago                             HH Mr. M. Mitchell                                                                 2nd Party No. 2
                                                                                                                                                          Capil’s and Company

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