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APPENDIX               1                                                                                                      JUDGEMENTS DELIVERED IN 2015/2016

                        TD NO.       PARTY NO. 1         PARTY NO. 2             CORAM             DATE OF                   TD NO.      PARTY NO. 1          PARTY NO. 2             CORAM             DATE OF
                                                                                                   DELIVERY                                                                                             DELIVERY
                        TD 320/13  Oilfields Workers'      Unilever       HH Mrs. S. Ramparas       18.12.15                 TD 55/12    National Union      Tropical Trinidad   HH Mr. M. Daniel       05.11.15
                                     Trade Union       Caribbean Limited  HH Mr. G Rousseau                                             Government and      Agency Unlimited   HH Mr. K. Jack
                                                                          HH Mrs. K. George-                                           Federated Workers                       HH Mrs. J. Christopher-
                                                                             Marcelle                                                                                            Nicholls

                         ST 4/14     Estate Police    Airports Authority of   HH Mr. L. Achong      04.01.16                   TD      All Trinidad General   Sammy’s Concrete   HH Mr. R. Lutchmedial  09.11.15
                                    Association of    Trinidad and Tobago  HH Mr. D. Rambally        ORAL                    42/09(S)  Workers’ Trade Union     Limited        HH Mr. R. Linton           ORAL
                                  Trinidad and Tobago                     HH Mr. K. Narinesingh   JUDGEMENT                                                                    HH Mr. H. Jhinkoo       JUDGEMENT

                        TD 333/13  Communication        Sunny Group of    HH Mr. M. Daniel          06.01.16                 TD 54/14     Government      SCL (Trinidad) Limited  HH Mr. M. Daniel      09.11.15
                                    Workers' Union        Companies       HH Mrs. J. Christopher-    ORAL                                 Industrial and                       HH Mr. K. Jack             ORAL
                                                                             Nicholls             JUDGEMENT                             General Workers                        HH Mrs. J. Christopher-   JUDGEMENT
                                                                          HH Mr. R. Jugmohan                                                 Union                               Nicholls
                        TD 569/11  National Union of   Phoenix Protective   HH Mrs. S. Ramparas     08.01.16                 TD 345 &   Communication      Servisair Trinidad and   HH Mrs. D. Thomas-Felix  12.11.15
                                  Domestic Employees    Services Limited  HH Mr. R. Linton                                    346/13     Workers' Union      Tobago Limited    HH Mrs. J. Christopher-    ORAL
                                                                          HH Dr. S. Samaroo                                                                                      Nicholls              JUDGEMENT
                                                                                                                                                                               HH Mr. M. Mitchell
                       TD 8/13(S)  All Trinidad General   Innovative Security   HH Mrs. H. Seale    08.01.16
                                 Workers’ Trade Union  Technologies Limited  HH Mr. M. Maharaj                              TD 153/14     Government      South M. Construction  HH Mrs. H. Seale       12.11.15
                                                                          HH Mr. M. Mitchell                                              Industrial and     Services Limited  HH Dr. S. Samaroo          ORAL
                                                                                                                                        General Workers                        HH Mr. M. Mitchell      JUDGEMENT
                        ST 23/14    Public Services     Chief Personnel   HH Mr. L. Achong          19.01.16                                 Union
                                    Association of          Officer       HH Mr. D. Rambally
                                  Trinidad and Tobago                     HH Mr. K. Narinesingh                                TD       Oilfields Workers'     Petroleum       HH Mrs. H. Seale         13.11.15
                                                                                                                             57/12(S)     Trade Union     Company of Trinidad   HH Ms. B. Mahabir
                           TD      Oilfields Workers'   Murphy's Petroleum   HH Mrs. K. George-     11.01.16                                               and Tobago Limited  HH Mr. G. Rousseau
                        39/13(S)     Trade Union        Services Limited     Marcelle                ORAL
                                                                          HH Mr. M. Maharaj       JUDGEMENT                 TD 332/13   Communication        Sunny Group of    HH Mrs. H. Seale         16.11.15
                                                                          HH Mr. M. Mitchell                                             Workers' Union    Companies (trading   HH Mr. N. Khan            ORAL
                                                                                                                                                            as Carnival City)  HH Mr. M. Mitchell      JUDGEMENT
                           TD     All Trinidad General   Sammy’s Multilift   HH Mrs. H. Seale       18.01.16
                        79/14(S)  Workers Trade Union   Services Limited  HH Mr. B. Dabideen         ORAL                   TD 331/13   Contractors and       Tucker Energy    HH Mrs. D. Thomas-Felix  18.11.15
                                                                          HH Mr. R. Linton        JUDGEMENT                 & 57/08(S)  General Workers      Services Limited  HH Mr. A. Aberdeen
                                                                                                                                          Trade Union                          HH Ms. B. Mahabir
                        TD 537/13  National Workers'   Arial Craning Limited  HH Mrs. K. George-    18.01.16
                                        Union                                Marcelle                ORAL                     ESD TD    National Union of   Water and Sewerage  HH Mr. L. Achong        18.11.15
                                                                          HH Mr. M. Maharaj       JUDGEMENT                   20/12     Government and          Authority      HH Mr. K. Narinesingh
                                                                          HH Mrs. J. Christopher-                                      Federated Workers                       HH Mr. M. Maharaj
                                                                                                                            TD 521/13   National Union of    All Pro Security   HH Mrs. S. Ramparas     19.11.15
                         ESD TD     Public Services   Community Hospital   HH Mr. L. Achong         21.01.16                            Government and                         HH Mr. G. Rousseau         ORAL
                         35/14      Association of      for Seventh Day   HH Mr. G. Rousseau         ORAL                              Federated Workers                       HH Mr. M. Maharaj       JUDGEMENT
                                  Trinidad and Tobago     Adventists      HH Mr. N. A. Mohammed   JUDGEMENT
                                                                                                                            TD 514/14    Public Services    Banking Insurance   HH Mrs. H. Seale        19.11.15
                        TD 194/13  Oilfields Workers'   Your Eye Clinic   HH Mrs. K. George-        20.01.16                             Association of   and General Workers’  HH Ms. B. Mahabir
                                     Trade Union            Limited          Marcelle                ORAL                             Trinidad and Tobago        Union         HH Mr. S. Samaroo
                                                                          HH Ms. B. Mahabir       JUDGEMENT
                                                                          HH Mr. N. A. Mohammed                             TD 142/12   Communication      Hilton Trinidad And   HH Mrs. K. George-     20.11.15
                                                                                                                                         Workers’ Union    Conference Centre     Marcelle
                                                                                                                                                                               HH Mr. P. Rabathaly
                                                                                                                                                                               HH Mr. R. Jugmohan

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