Page 58 - 2016-R0
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                       Profit and Loss                      2015               2016              5,000

                                                         4,527,071,648      2,147,597,662       MILLIONS                                    Cost Of
            Revenue                                                                                                  351           281      Revenue
            Cost of revenue                              (4,176,039,568)    (1,866,927,260)                                                 Gross Profit
            Gross profit                                 351,032,080        280,670,402                      2015           2016

            General and administrative expenses           (178,176,206)     (128,760,220)                      OPREATING INCOME
            Operating  income                            172,855,874        151,910,182           400                                        Gross Profit

            Other income                                   55,572,037        29,987,476          Millions
            Financial charges                              (34,243,778)      (34,434,865)         200                                        Expenses

            Net income before Zakat  and non-            194,184,133        147,462,793
            controlling                                                                              0                                       Operating
            Zakat provision                               (8,930,424)         (4,983,548)                    2015          2016              Income

            Net income  before  DOD-controlling          185,253,709        142,479,245
            interest                                                                                                NET INCOME

            Non-controlling  interest                      (666,417)          3,8392662            200                                   Operating  Income
            Net income                                   184,587,292        146,318,907          Millions  150

            Earnings  per share                               3,36              2.66               100                                   Non-Controlling
            from: Net income
            Operating  income                                3,14              2.76                 50                                   Net Income Pefore
            Other  income                                    1,01              0.55                  0                                   DOD-Controlling
                                                                                                             2015        2016            Interest
  56                                                                                                                                     Net Income
   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63