Page 59 - 2016-R0
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Cash flows from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities
Net income before Zakat and non-controlling interest 147,462,793 Purchase of property, plant and equipment (14,589,689)
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash (used Additions of Investment properties under construction (30,433,229)
in)/generated from operating activities: Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment
Depreciation 136,685,566 and leased
Amortization of assets leased under finance lease 54,426,970 assets under finance leases
Employees' end of service benefits 6,056,355 Purchase of available for sale investments (250,000)
Bad debts 30,121,671 Net cash flows used in investing activities (7,681,193)
Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment (5,136,405) Cash flows from financing activities
Provision for obsolete and slow-moving inventories 5,224,028 Short and long-term credit facilities 214,434,340
Provision for doubtful debts 2,126,208 Bank overdraft 52,678,599
376,967,186 Repayment of leased assets under finance leases (42,329,788)
Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Proceeds/(repayment) from / of long-term loans 52,456,876
Trade receivables (629,947,667) Dividends paid (99,368,347)
Unbilled Revenue 206,311,666 Net cash flows generated from I(used in) financing 177,871,680
Prepayments and other current assets (153,346,800) activities
Inventories 161,611,853 Net change in cash and cash equivalents during the year (121,878,444)
Related parties (49,949,736) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 241,114,253
Deferred Revenue (35,963,931) Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 119,235,809
Suppliers and contractors 169,898,568
Advances from customers (208,713,982)
Accruals and other current liabilities (108,178,888)
Zakat paid (1,059,027)
End of servicebenefits paid (19,698,173)
Net cash flows (used in) I generated from operating 241,114,253 119,235,809
activities from operating Activities
at beginning of at end of
the year the year
Cash & cash equivalents
Comparison 57