Page 7 - Mercury
P. 7

Overview of Mercury/32  2
                                                                                            System Requirements

                                    MercuryI – IMAP server module  MercuryI allows users running IMAP-capable mail pro-
                                    grams such as Pegasus Mail and Microsoft Outlook to access entire mailboxes of folders re-
                                    motely. Where the POP3 protocol only makes new mail available to the remote client, all of
                                    a user's folders can be opened and manipulated using the IMAP protocol. IMAP is also a
                                    common way of providing WebMail services - many WebMail interfaces can connect to an
                                    IMAP server to provide their services.

                                    MercuryX – scheduling module  MercuryX is a specialized module that provides scheduling
                                    services: it can be used to start and stop other protocol modules periodically. This can be par-
                                    ticularly valuable when your Internet connection is based on dialup services and is charged
                                    on elapsed time, since it means you can receive and send mail at specific times.

                                    MercuryH — PH directory lookup server  MercuryH allows you to publicize addresses using
                                    the Internet PH protocol. You simply create a Pegasus Mail address book and tell MercuryH
                                    to use it, and it will answer queries about addresses and users on your system using informa-
                                    tion from that addressbook.

                                    MercuryW — Change password server  MercuryW implements the PopPass protocol to al-
                                    low your users to change their POP3 mailbox passwords. Common mail clients such as Eu-
                                    dora and Pegasus Mail support the PopPass protocol.

                                    System Requirements

                                    Mercury/32 requires Windows 98, ME, NT 4.x, 2000, XP, Vista, or Windows Server 2003 to
                                    run: we suggest running Mercury/32 on Windows Server 2003 or XP for best results. We rec-
                                    ommend a minimum of 8MB RAM for Windows 95 systems, a minimum of 32MB of RAM
                                    for Windows NT systems, and a minimum of 128MB RAM for Windows 2000 and Windows
                                    XP systems. A properly installed TCP/IP services layer (implemented in a file called
                                    WSOCK32.DLL) must be installed and correctly configured on the workstation where Mercu-
                                    ry/32 is to run – consult your Windows manuals for information on setting up your worksta-
                 Mercury has support for
                 NetWare 3.2 in Bindery   tion for TCP/IP operation. Mercury/32 has full support for Novell NetWare local area
                 Mode, and for NetWare   networks, but you must use genuine Novell workstation client software to take advantage of
                 4.x, 5.x and 6.x in native
                 NDS mode.          this - the Microsoft NetWare client software lacks the full NetWare support required by Mer-
                                    cury and cannot be used.

                                    Running under Windows Vista
                                    Windows Vista (introduced in February 2007) no longer supports the WinHelp help system
                                    offered in previous versions of Windows. Unfortunately, the help system it does support,
                                    HTMLHelp, is badly broken (because of its reliance on Microsoft’s Internet Explorer engine)
                                    and will not display help files when they are located on a shared volume, a common form of
                                    installation for Mercury/32. This means that under Vista, there is effectively no help system
                                    that an application can use reliably. In the medium term, we will be writing our own help sys-
                                    tem to get around this problem, but in the short term, if you use Vista and wish to be able to
                                    access Mercury’s online help, you will need to download WinHelp for Vista from the Micro-
                                    soft web site -

                                    Planning your installation

                                    Before you install Mercury/32, you should spend a few minutes working out what mail serv-
                                    ices you need, and how best to configure Mercury/32 to provide them. In this section, we pro-
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