Page 3 - The Digital Cloth - Issue 5
P. 3

Reaching out, keeping connected &                      They say timing is everything and
          keeping busy even when it’s difficult has              creating this magazine happened just     D
          made Isewolation easier during the weeks               at the right time! Starting this

          and months… And I hope that you all                    Emagazine was the best decision
          have someone to reach out and connect                  personally and professionally in a long
          with to share your ups and downs during                time.
          these challenging times as well…
                                                                 Mel and I started The Digital Cloth          I
            Are you a GOLD READER of                             early 2019 before the Pandemic hit,
                                                                 before people’s lives and work
                     The Digital Cloth?                          situations changed, our physical

          By purchasing each issue and supporting The            connections have turned into virtual
          Digital Cloth, you will become a GOLD reader and       connections to each other and getting
          automatically be entered into special GOLDEN           out to our usual shows and                R
          giveaways each issue, you will also recieve early
          access to the latest magazine and special Golden       gatherings has changed or stopped
          discounts.                                             and it has been very hard. Working on
                                                                 this magazine has kept me engaged
          PRIZE 1                                                with people here in Australia and
          Bo-DE-KA TEXTILES by Samantha Campbell 3               from all over the world. It has been
          fabric prize pack containing 12 fat quarters with a    so humbling reaching out to connect
          value $100                                                                                        E
                                                                 with artists and creators to meet them
                                                                 virtually and get to know them not
          PRIZE 2                                                just because of their work but because
          Pack 6 Wonderfil Threads value $50                     we are making new friends with
                                                                 common goals to survive and help
                                                                 each other to success.                     C

                                                                 I thank you again and again for
                                                                 joining us here to share this
                                                                 experience of Art in all styles and
                                                                 mediums and help to raise up the
                                                                 artists and creators that trust us with
                                                                 their artwork their stories and the
                                                                 unique experiences in their art            T
                                                                 I look forward to what is to come on
                                                                 the pages in future issues of the
                                                                 magazine, All the wonderful stories
                                                                 and beautiful images that we will

                                                                 bring to YOU our wonderful Readers!        O
                                                                 Stay Safe & Take Care

                                                                   Caroline xx

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