Page 68 - The Digital Cloth - Issue 5
P. 68

I still pitch my work with                             Generally, influences can be found
     painters. This is in part to my                         in sources including song lyrics,
     Fine Art background but more                            curiosity cabinets, fashion
     importantly that I feel that the                        magazines and folklore.
     textile element of my work is                           One of my favourite places is the
     not as crucial as the                                   British Museum, I have spent many
     composition/story of the                                hours sketching the Roman figurine
     artwork. At the beginning of my                         relics and being fascinated by the
     journey with this style of work                         Ancient Egyptian tomb paintings. I
     the main aim with my                                    owe a lot to the painting
     creative process was to bridge                          technician we had at university,
     the gap of what is deemed art                           he had taken out a book on the
     and craft. What is seen as a                            subject of tomb art from our
     feminine technique and                                  library and ordered me to be the
     giving the illusion of an image                         next borrower of the book! Of
     which on first appearances looks                        course, I did and it just
     painted. This is still important                        fascinated me, but it wasn’t until
     in a pigeon-holed world but I am                        another eight years for the
     now interested in pushing the                           imagery to truly affect my
     boundaries (my technique and                            artwork. In the British Museum’s
     materials) of this style.                               Egyptian burial section there was
     One thing I like to do is go                            one piece hidden in a corner that
     through old sketchbooks, ideas                          particularly caught my eye, a
     from years ago that never came                          small tomb painting of a man which
     to fruition may now strike a                            was so fragmented that you could
     chord. From looking back at my                          barely make out the face. The idea
     sketchbooks, the one thing that                         that you had to guess at filling
     stands out is that I am still                           in the pieces to make up how the
     being influenced/drawn to the                           face possibly looked appealed to
     same subjects and imagery, but                          me, and in a sketchbook the
     different combinations of these                         concept went, where it stayed for
     elements have come together at                          years.
     various times, keeping my                               More recently textural elements
     artwork progressing. Over the                           have become a little obsession,
     years my artwork has covered a                          progressing on from the abstract
     range of subjects based upon                            fragments of historical imagery
     everyday life, literature and
     Inspiration for my artwork comes
     from a variety of places but
     mainly have foundations from my
     fine art painting roots, from
     the meatiness of Lucien Freud,
     the abstract passion of
     Francis Bacon and the palette
     knife style of Van Gogh.
     Recently painters such as Jake
     Wood Evans have helped keep my
     passions and thoughts fresh and
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