Page 74 - The Digital Cloth - Issue 5
P. 74

Over the years I have taught and demonstrated at             res of art, craft and fashion. I’ve been very inspired
   craft shows, guild meetings, local cooking schools           by trailing through Pinterest, Instagram accounts
   and I also hold small classes in my own kitchen. A           of graphic designers and fashion socials.
   cake decorators work life is typically quite lonely so       Amazingly kids’ books have a huge amount of
   spending time with others to teach them my craft is          content that is very transferable to cakes.
   so much fun, plus I get the added bonus of blabbing          Lighting up the eyes of a youngster when the see
   all day long about cakes which is my favourite topic.        their birthday cake has got to be the best feeling
   When I was asked to write a little about myself for          in the world. Those big smiles and those
   this magazine, I felt honoured as what I have seen           inquisitive little fingers wanting to discover and
   in terms of textile art is so incredibly inspiring. I only   poke the icing is just delightful. It’s one of the
   hope to be able to achieve something so amazing              reasons I do what I do. Never is someone sad to
   myself one day. I actually am what I call a hack sewer.      receive cake. Cake is the ultimate happiness
   I throw things together with very little technical sew-      creator.
   ing knowledge and hope that it stays together. The           And so, with that I shall leave you with some of
   world of textile art is something I’m very interested        my top tips for a smooth and tasty cake. And
   in. I’ve created a simple Applique work for my lounge  always remember, a party without cake is just a
   area and hope to expand on this area of craft in the         meeting....
   future.                                                      Happy creating everyone.  Tracey
   The best inspiration for cakes is to look at other gen
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