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P. 36
comparatively garbage free civic society I learned to take
changes as they came. The one good thing that happened was
the company of Mr.Mani in my new office where I was to join
as Director (West).He continued to provide me with
secretarial assistance in my new dispensation. When I left
later Madras for Bombay Mr.Mani also left Madras for Delhi
where he joined Central secretariat pool and after working in
different ministries his service was requisitioned by
Mr.N.C.Salve Union Minister for Law. Mani thereafter rose to
great heights and he long after I retired is still in active service
employed by one Governmental organization or the other. I
was happy to attend his daughters’ marriage.
Responding to a news paper advertisement about
accommodation for rent I inspected a first floor
accommodation. My family still away I had to decide on the
portion lest another prospective tenant should move into the
premises. I agreed to the house owner’s reasonable demand
of rent .My office on Mount Road was about 2 kilometers
away and one could even choose to walk should the occasion
demand. When I look back I cannot but wonder how
providence guides us on in our journey of life. After my wife
and the child joined me we began to think about our future
and the need for a secure roof over head. The locality where
we live is a calm one without the noise of cars and buses
reaching our ears .In a city where due to ever burgeoning
demand for space multistoried flats were the order of the day
the enclave where we are put up with avenue of shade giving
trees has remained calm and unchanged. My wife after
inspecting a few areas like Chamiers Road, Srinagar colony
and even T.Nagar came to the conclusion that the present
layout where we chose to rent out accommodation is better
than the rest , though a little more costly. For next to our own
dwelling was a plot of land still remaining unoccupied .
This locality known as Sri Rangam Avenue came to be our
permanent address. After several rounds of bargaining the
landowner agreed to alienate a piece of land measuring 60 feet