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P. 101
A thousand moons –Chapter-X
Not all of us are born with a mandate to change the universe. If
each one of us will discharge our debt to our family and then
society then automatically the world will change for the better.
In my life I find greatest binding force between me and my
grand children. It is this force which impels every pious and
charitable emotion in me and drives me to do what little good I
can for the society.
I feel like laying bare my final thoughts in this brief poem:
May there be no epitaph
No obit in the daily, for
Mine was a brief bubble
In an ocean of transience
By name, fame or pedigree.
Suffice it to say,
I owe debt of gratitude
To my parents
Who made my life possible,
To my wife
Who made my life comfortable
To my children
Who made my life worthwhile.
It’s time to say farewell !
And return to Bhagawan’s Lotus Feet;
But before that, one last wish
To be born again and play with Srinika, Aakash and Krish!