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Unlike as atheists would decry worship of pictures of Gods, the real
truth is such fixing of the mind on these objects of worship is an
intermediate stage in our spiritual journey where the ultimate goal is
fixing our mind on no particular object. This is the real goal of
meditation. This faith in God as object of worship develops in us a
increasing sense of self confidence and we overcome obstacles before
we achieve our goals. As long as we succeed in our goals due to
fortifying our efforts with confidence and perseverance what does it
matter if an external power has helped achieve the same or internal
force which helps us to develop self confidence or trust in ourselves.
On the other hand denying God only serves vacuum to permeate us and
with nothing to hold on to we achieve very little in our life.
We also are prone to hold a glorified image of ourselves and our
achievements as though these are result of our unaided efforts
devoid of Divine assistance. For example we in our arrogance equate
language an instrument of communication, per se.But only when
language helps to communicate with and about the very Divine
power which mnifests in endless variety of creations and their sense
of comprehension like sight , sound ,feeling and taste language itself
acquires significance which transcends time. If a language has held
the ground for several centuries it is evidence of the fact that it is a
vehicle of faith in and adulation of the super power that is at the root
of the very thing. A language is not evident from the sound that the
different aspects of language contribute to it but the thinking it
clothes itself with. Because Ramayana and Maha Bharath are eternal
epics embodying the spiritual context of these epics the Sanskrit
language is eternal .The hymns of Alwars and acharyas are embodied
version of our Upanishads and they have outlasted literature of purely
secular and mundane nature,
Satya Sai baba’s 69 birthday :
Below is reproduction of an article that appeared in The Hindu on the
occasion of celebraton of 69 Bithday of Sri Satya Sai baba.I had the
privilege of witnessing the week long cekebration in Puttaparthi with
my wife. I was inspired to cover the proceedings and narrate them in
the form of an article for the news paper The Hindu which that paper
gracefully accepted for publication.I am also happy to mention that