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retrospect my posting in Bombay was entirely due to Divine
               providence as my tenure in Bombay and Mr.Yagnanarayanans’s
               increasing closeness with me was wholly to change the course of
               life of the latter.Mr.Yagnanarayanan was at this time going
               through the worst phase of his domestic life.His youngest son
               Ramesh was suspected victim of cancer of the colon.My friend
               needed a firm base in Bombay to provide treatment to his son
               aged 13 or 14 years.H ealso needed philanthrpic support from his
               contacts who would buy kits to enable my friend’s son to make an

               easy and hyegenic by-pass to provide outlet for his biological
               waste through a surgical sac attached to his colon.Pending a
               durable arrangement for Ramesh’s stay I offered to put him up in
               my Anand Bhavan quarters on  Warden Road.He was a great
               company to my 2 year old daughter.Ramesh was a precocious
               child.H e seemed to be interested in all intelligent activities like
               cricket chess or word play, etc.Meanwhile Mr.Yagnanarayanan
               suggested I should discuss with my boss ,himself  on depuation
               from Customs and Excise Department.He was very keen on  his
               regular posting in Bombay mainly from his son’s  medical
               attention angle.For, the Tata Memorial centre a pioneering
               institution which specialised in cancer therapy was ideal refuge
               for young Ramesh.Mr.Panchappa, for that was my boss’s name,
               was himself keenly aware  of  his wife’s treatment at the Centre
               could not but empathise with the sufferings of my friend .He got
               my friend’s request examined and provided him a lasting solution
               by posting Mr.Yagnanarayanan at BARC Laboratory.Cruel it may
               seem the efforts of my friend to wrest his young child from the
               jaws of death could not bear fruit and despite Herculean efforts to
               take his son to UK for further treatment went in vain.

               Though treatment to  Ramesh proved futile and my friend lost his
               dear son he recouped himself and continued his social activities as
               before true to the dictum neither pain nor pleasure should
               overcome us.I think my little contribution to mitigate his loss must
               have weighed with him in the scale of our friendship that before
               he breathed his last he had passed on the significant aspects  of
               our friendship to his  only surviving son  working in New Jersey

               as Scientist.The latter when he visited Chennai to perform the
               obsequies he made it a point to meet me in my house and asked

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