Page 6 - November-December Klahanie Magazine
P. 6

Rediscovering the Joy

                  in Selecting and Cutting your

                  Own Christmas Tree

                  Decades ago it was very       from the sales were set aside   your entire family and wander
                  common for families to enjoy the   to pay for the education of the   through the acres of trees until
                  tradition of hiking into the forests   children. This passing-on of the   you find the family’s favorite one.
                  to select, cut and bring home   privilege of education is now in   Share the fun of cutting down the
                  a fresh Christmas tree. Fond   the third generation of the family.  tree, like your own ancestors may
                  memories of those bygone days                                have done. The tree will remain
                  linger in family stories and old   Then and now, families who   fresh throughout the entire
                  sepia-toned photos.           visit the tree farm can cut their   holiday season.
                                                own tree (saws provided) or
                  In the past 20 to 25 years, it   pick out the tree they desire and   The tree sales open on
                  became easier to drive to the   Stringfellow family members will   November 29th and are open
                  local mass-merchandising store   help cut and load the tree in or   only on Saturdays and Sundays.
                  or one of the pop-up Christmas   onto the car. Today, in addition   Bring cash or personal checks.
                  tree lots to pick a tree. These   to cider and candy, families can   For more information visit
                  trees have been cut weeks to   warm themselves by the bonfire or email
                  months earlier and have little   under the covered gazebo, and
                  freshness left in them. Before the   spend time viewing farm animals
                  decorations are up, the needles   like sheep and cattle. Most days   Keith and Scott Trees
                  are already dropping.         Scott’s wife, Denise, rides her
                                                horse out to the tree parcels and
                  Perhaps this year, you could   gives kids the thrill of seeing a
                  choose to rekindle an old     real cowgirl!
                  tradition of selecting a perfect
                  and fresh Christmas tree, without   Out of gratitude for what their
                  the challenges of hiking into the   parents had done for their
                  mountains.                    generation, Keith, Scott and
                                                Heather planted more acres
                  More than 40 years ago, a     in trees to continue the family
                  rancher in North Bend found   tradition. Now 12-acres of the
                  himself the father of three young   ranch is dedicated to Douglas,
                  children, wondering how he was   Fraser, Turkish, Noble and Grand
                  going to fund college educations.   fir trees. The trees vary from
                  Ewing and JoAnn Stringfellow   tabletop to those towering over
                  had been working their        12 feet in height.
                  95-acre ranch, raising cattle. To
                  supplement the family income,   When you visit the tree farm
                  the Ewings decided to plant a   this year, you’ll be helped by the
                  4-acre corner of the ranch with   next generation of Stringfellows,
                  Christmas tree seedlings.     earning their opportunity to go
                                                on to higher education. Bring
                  As their children, Keith, Scott and
                  Heather grew, so did the trees.
                  Alongside their parents, the kids
                  launched the first season of Keith
                  and Scott Tree Farm. Proceeds

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