Page 7 - November-December Klahanie Magazine
P. 7
Rediscovering the Joy
in Selecting and Cutting your Cast Your VOTE
Own Christmas Tree K L AHANI E C O MM U NI T Y
Board of
This is the first year that the This year, you will have three the ballot form to approve the
Klahanie Board of Directors methods to select from to cast minutes from the last Annual
election has taken place in the your ballots. You may use the Meeting and the required
fall. The campaign for election traditional paper ballot, which approval of the Revenue Ruling
to the Board started in October can be mailed in for tabulation. 70-604. Once submitted,
with the Candidates Forum on You can go online to the Klahanie. your ballot now counts for the
October 9th and will run until com new web site and enter the quorum needed to qualify the
December 16th at 5:00 pm. Members Only portal (need to Annual Meeting. The quorum
Results will be announced as register to get access) and vote requirement in Klahanie is 30% of
part of the agenda at the Annual by email, or utilize the secure the available votes or 927 ballots
Meeting, January 9th at 6:30 at vote by text platform. The steps received.
Challenger Elementary. to follow to implement the text
vote are also included in the What is a proxy and how is it
This year, Connie Wan and ballot package. used? In its simplest form, a
Jean Ann Aguirre have both proxy allows you to convey to
completed their second three- The mail in and text ballots will another member your right to
year term on the Board and be tabulated by an outside firm vote on any issues that come up
must step down per the rules. who specializes in voting security. during the Annual meeting. This
Their six years of service to We believe it is a good idea to is normally done if you aren’t
the community are sincerely have an independent professional planning to attend the meeting
appreciated. count the majority of the ballots. and you give your proxy to
Those ballots cast by email will someone who will be attending.
The current campaign has three continue to come to the office
qualified candidates, George and will be kept in a secure place Remember: All ballots and
Gilchrist, Ted Klarich and Scott and later added to the totals from
Leist contending for the two the paper and text ballots. proxies must be received
open positions. Their background by December 16th before
statements are included in the Even if you don’t want to cast a 5:00 pm to be counted.
ballot packet you received for vote for two of the candidates,
review and consideration. it is critical that you complete