Page 7 - Januray-February 2020 Magazine Issue
P. 7
Adding Abundance
to your Summer year during which gardeners with
expertise in Pacific Northwest
gardening present to the group.
To be on the mailing list, please
contact Lori Goerlitz, goerlitz@ C O MM U NI T Y H O M E A N D G A R D E N
Spring is just around the corner near the Summerwalk entrance., 425-765-5005. Both
and it’s time to start thinking You will receive the code for Lori and Marjorie (marjoriejames@
about your 2020 garden. Come gate access so that you can bring, 425-503-0228) can
join other gardeners at the your car in to unload your tools answer your questions and
Klahanie Pea Patch and get and supplies. KPPC offers space provide additional information.
started on your summer of in garden sheds at the Pea Patch
abundance! The Klahanie Pea where you can store your tools You would be warmly welcomed
Patch Club (KPPC) is a group of and supplies. You can even rent to the gardening community and
gardeners – some experienced a tool shed of your own! KPPC we hope to see you in the 2020
and some new to gardening – also has a small number of tools gardening season!
who share a love of vegetable that have been donated that you
gardening. We work together may use, along with a community
exchanging gardening ideas, wheelbarrow and garden cart,
plant starts, soil amendment free of charge. Ten by twenty-
suggestions, fertilizer, and insect foot plots are available for $50
control suggestions. We also each for the gardening season
water for each other during and you can rent two adjacent
summer vacation season. Come plots if you like. There are also
grow beautiful summer salads - raised beds for gardeners who
lettuce, tomatoes, green onions, have difficulty working at ground
and cucumbers! We also grow level. Storage units, raised beds,
staples like zucchini, Delicata etc. are all priced at $50 each for
squash, Acorn squash, pumpkins, the gardening year.
broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and
eggplant. All of these and much The Klahanie Pea Patch opens
more have been successfully on April 1st and closes for the
grown at the Klahanie Pea gardening year on October 31st.
Patch. If you are unsure of how KPPC’s Annual Meeting is held in
to grow the vegetables you March, prior to the opening of the
want, the KPPC offers you an Pea Patch season, and includes
entire gardening community to election of Club officers. The
make suggestions and provide KPPC currently has two elected
assistance. officers - Marjorie Linda-James,
Chair, and Lori Goerlitz, Secretary
The Klahanie Pea Patch is located Treasurer. Three additional Club
on the Service Road accessible meetings are held during the