Page 9 - Januray-February 2020 Magazine Issue
P. 9
2019 Klahanie Events
Klahanie had another stellar year Late July was our second brand C O MM U NI T Y E V EN T S
hosting its annual events and new event, which will become an
started a couple brand new ones! annual gig. We hosted an adult-only
outdoor concert at Lakeside Pool.
February, which turned into There was a selection of beer, wine,
March because of the 2 weeks of and food to enjoy all while listening
snow, started off the year with to the cool vibe of local band, The
the 2nd Lunar New Year festival. Soul Proprietors.
There were 11 performances
including the International There were two Movie Nights this
Lion Dance Team, martial arts year, in July and August. In August, a
demonstrations, dancing, music, new location, closer to Yellow Lake
and kid’s plays. There were was introduced and appears to have
activities and crafts and of been successful for most movie-
course, food! goers. As usual, massive amount
of popcorn and shave ice were
March saw the first brand new consumed.
event for Klahanie, the Holi
Celebration. Holi, in the Hindu Summer wrapped up at the end of
culture, is the celebration of August with the annual Luau Pool
colors which denotes the end party. The weather was perfect
of winter and the welcoming of and fun was had by all. Over the
spring. There was music, kid’s course of the summer season,
activities, food, and vibrant about 1,000 servings of shave ice
colors everywhere. This event were consumed from our friends at
will become an annual tradition Kapeliela Shave Ice!
in Klahanie.
As fall came along, the Halloween
April was the annual Easter Egg Carnival was at Challenger
Hunt at Mountainview Park. Elementary again with music,
Thousands of eggs were “hidden” games, and costume contests and
throughout the park. of course, many, many pounds of
Halloween treats.
May included the annual 3 days
of community Garage Sales and Concluding the year was the Santa
the Recycling event. A full truck Pictures and Toys for Tots drive.
was hauled out of here! Two large boxes of toys were
donated to kids in need.
Summer kicked off in early June
with the 5K Fun Run and Picnic. Volunteers are always needed for
There were more than 300 most Klahanie events. Volunteering
runners and around 400 families in your community helps you meet
enjoyed Subway sandwiches, new neighbors, satisfies community
shave ice and hot dogs! service requirements for schools
and clubs, and is just plain fun! If
The Independence Day Parade you are interested in volunteering,
marched down the Blvd. on June contact
27th behind an Eastside Fire and
Rescue truck, and Police cruiser. Did you know… photos from most
The route ended at Lakeside Park of the Klahanie events are posted
with music, contests and games on our Shutterfly account at
and shave ice.