Page 15 - Klahanie March Magazine Flip_Neat
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                               Events                                                                                 E V EN T S  P E T S & K I D S

                                                      for the
                                                      Entire Family

                                             I N K L A H A N I E

                   SATURDAY, April 20th 9:30am-11am @   FRIDAY, SATURDAY And SUNDAY May 17th,
                   Mountain View Park -  Klahanie Easter    18th And 19th, 9am-4pm Each Day –  Klahanie
                   Egg Hunt                        Community Garage Sales
                   The Easter Bunny will visit Klahanie once again.    It’s time for the big one!  People come from all over to
                   Thousands of eggs will be hidden throughout the park.    hunt for treasures at the annual Klahanie Community
                   There will be three age groups, 3 and under at 9:45am,   Garage Sales.  Maps, descriptions of your items for sale
                   4-7 at 10am and 8 and up at 10:15am.  Don’t forget your   and signs will be provided by the HOA.  Registration will
                   baskets for all those eggs!     begin in April.

                   SATURDAY, May 25th 10am-2pm @ Lakeside   SATURDAY, June 8th 9am-12pm @ Lakeside
                   Pool Parking Lot– Klahanie Electronics   Park - Klahanie 5K Fun Run and Picnic
                   Recycle Event
                                                   Lace up your running shoes for the annual Klahanie 5K
                                                   Fun Run and Picnic!  The 5K course starts and ends at
                   Get rid of all unwanted electronics at the annual Klahanie
                                                   Lakeside Park and loops through the trails around Yellow
                   Recycle Event.  We will have 2 trucks this year to collect
                                                   Lake.  Following the race there will be a family picnic with
                   pretty much anything with a cord.  The final list of items
                                                   music, food and prizes for the age group winners!
                   that can and cannot be donated will be posted at www.
          and on the Klahanie Facebook Page.
                   SATURDAY, June 29th 9:30am-12pm –
                   Klahanie Independence Day Parade
                   Decorate yourselves, bikes, scooters, kids and pets and
                   march or ride down Klahanie Blvd from Challenger to
                   Lakeside Park for an Independence Day celebration with
                   music, games, contests, Hawaiian Shave Ice and family

                                       I N T H E W I D E R CO M M U N I T Y

                   SAMMAMISH WALKS                 ISSAQUAH AND SAMMAMISH
                                                   FARMER’S MARKETS
                   Once a month from April to October, you can join with
                   local guides to walk through parks in Sammamish.
                                                   Both communities have robust markets each week from
                   Learn about local plants and wildlife and sneak in a little
                                                   May to September. Issaquah is at Pickering Barn, across
                   exercise along the way.
                                                   the street from Costco on Saturdays. Sammamish takes
                                                   place in the City Hall Plaza on Wednesdays from 4pm
                                                   to 8pm.

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