Page 14 - Klahanie March Magazine Flip_Neat
P. 14


                 HIKING IN


                  Remember that New Year’s
                  resolution you made? You know,
                  the one about getting more
                  exercise? March is a great time
                  to take your dog on some new
                  hikes beyond the 30 miles of
                  Klahanie trails. So as the weather
                  gets warmer grab your dog and
                  explore some of our community’s
                  best trails.

                  One of the best, most dog-
                  friendly trails is West Tiger
                  Mountain. Frequented by hikers
                  of all shapes and sizes, this is the
                  perfect trail for people with young
                  to year- old puppies who need to
                  see lots of different people and
                  equipment, such as canes, hats   hike or spend the whole day by
                  and backpacks. Puppies rewarded   connecting to the other Cougar
                  with a treat when these hikers   Mountain trails. There are little
                  appear are well on their way to   bridges and creeks to cross, and
                  being beautiful friendly and having   lots of switchbacks. Special notes:
                  excellent coping skills. One note   We’ve seen a lot of deer up there,   that can come off easily if the dog
                  of caution, however: even if your   and you must stay on the trails   becomes entangled in anything on
                  dog is on a leash, there are often   due to the mining history of this   the trail.
                  a few who are not. The trailhead   area.
                  is just east at the High Point Way                           Be sure to carry basic supplies
                  exit driving east off I-90. With   Even if your primary purpose is   with you, such as a small fi rst-aid
                  more than 80-miles of trails,   to get out and get some exercise,   kit, waste collection bags (which
                  great views and everything from   don’t forget the fun things you   you take home with you) treats,
                  wooded trails to serious climbing,   can be working on with your dog   water, a leash, cellphone, and a
                  West Tiger has something for   along the way. Teaching your   sturdy pocket knife. A whistle is
                  every dog and handler.        dog to wear a backpack and to   always a good idea, as is Spray
                                                walk behind you while passing   Shield, an alternative to pepper
                  Just to the west of Issaquah, take   others on the trail is great exercise   spray that shoots a stream of
                  the SR 900 off I-90 and go south   for your pet’s mind and body.   citronella oil up to 10 feet. It
                  to the Wilderness Creek trailhead,   Wearing a backpack not only aids   won’t stop a bear, but it’s a safe
                  leading to the Cougar Mountain   in carrying supplies, but also helps   and harmless way to discourage
                  Wildlife Park. It smaller and less   more energetic dogs stay calm   unwelcome threats from other
                  crowded, and gets steep pretty   and focused. We recommend   dogs and smaller wildlife.
                  quickly, so it is a good workout.   packs which are made with
                  You can do just a short       Velcro-fastened storage bags   Happy Hiking!

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