Page 9 - Klahanie March Magazine Flip_Neat
P. 9
Police, Sheriff or Both? The enhanced services offered
by your KNP include but are not
The City of Sammmish limited to: foot and bike patrols
contracts with the Sheriff’s of our 30 miles of trail systems,
offi ce to provide deputies to additional parking and school C O MM U NI T Y
staff the Police Department. zone enforcement, and shortened
These offi cers are tasked with response times to both
patrolling the incorporated area emergency and non-emergency
of Sammamish, which includes calls for service. Further, we
Klahanie. However, Sammamish work in cooperation with
is a large geographical area with your HOA staff to address any
a rapidly growing population. problems that arise, assist with
For this reason, your Klahanie creating block watches, attend
Homeowner’s Association community meetings, provide
created the KNP, whose sole security for many of the events
responsibility is to provide hosted by the Klahanie HOA, and
enhanced police services to conduct package theft patrols.
ensure the public safety of Perhaps our most popular service
the Klahanie community. The is the Vacation Security Check
KNP have all the legal powers program in which deputies check
to ticket, arrest or apprehend your house daily while you’re
anyone breaking the law.
away. The form for requesting
While in-service, the KNP this service is available through
Deputies are actively monitoring the HOA offi ce and is posted on
all emergency and non- the Klahanie website.
emergency radio traffi c
occurring both inside
and outside of Klahanie.
The KNP is staffed
daily by three or more
Deputies, on staggered
shifts, to ensure a cost-
effective use of the
Klahanie Public Safety
budget. We drive both
marked and unmarked
police vehicles, and
work in uniformed and
plain-clothes capacities.
Our staff currently
includes fi ve sergeants,
four detectives, two
SWAT team members, As residents of Sammamish,
and two K9s, each with a depth and due to the efforts of your
of training and experience. HOA, Klahanie residents enjoy
Our daily patrols are usually unparalleled police staffi ng
staffed during morning and early found nowhere else in King
afternoon hours, when burglaries County. We are proud to be your
are most likely to occur, as well Klahanie Neighborhood Patrol—
as late evening and overnight so don’t ever hesitate to call upon
when vehicle prowls are most us if we can be of service.